One of the earliest definite mentions of Azazel was in the Book of Enoch, particularly in what is known as The Book of the Watchers. This text, written between the 3rd and 1st century BCE, is a part of the Dead Sea Scrolls and is not considered canon by most modern day denominations but the characters and stories in this text remain a popular source of intrigue even to this day. In Enoch, we are told of the Grigori (Watchers) who were a group of 200 angels in charge of, you guessed it, watching mankind. In the process of watching humanity, they began to notice the “beautiful and comely daughters” of mankind and were overcome with lust for these women. Collectively, they agreed to take wives and father children but their leader Semjaza expressed concern that some of his men would back out. In an effort to guarantee that he would not be the only one commit this great sin, they all took an oath on Mt. Hermon, binding themselves ‘by mutual imprecations.’ Of the 200 Grigori, there were 20 leaders, with Semjaza holding the highest rank. The second highest rank went to Azazel who taught mankind how to make weapons and use cosmetics (get yourself an angel who can do both!)
Each of the Watchers taught humanity different ‘secrets of heaven’, which ended up being subjects like astrology, meteorology, and various practices considered ‘witchcraft’ in those times. However, some of them taught subjects still considered taboo in certain cultures. Tamiel, also called Kasdeja, for instance, was said to have taught women about abortion. Each of the Watchers also slept with mortal women and fathered monstrous giants called Nephilim. The Nephilim were said to be 3000 ells high, which is a little more than 2 miles tall. They were ravenous, even cannibalistic. When the labors of humanity could no longer keep up with the Nephilim’s appetites, the Nephilim turned on humanity, devouring man, animal, and each other. Those who were killed by the deeds of the Watchers arrived in heaven and brought God’s attention to destruction on Earth. To combat the devastation brought on by the Watchers, God sent he archangels. Uriel was told to warn Noah of the upcoming flood. Gabriel was in charge of killing the “bastards and the reprobates” as well as the Nephilim. He was instructed to pit them against each other while Michael bound Semjaza and the rest of the Watchers so that they could see their son’s rip each other apart. But God specifically set out an individual punishment for Azazel. “The Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there forever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire.” He further adds “the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.'
Art: Azazel by Peter Mohrbacher ( @bugmeyer ) for his work, Book of the Watchers.