#jimmy mouthwashing – @weirdagnes on Tumblr

🅱️ a s s

@weirdagnes /

[[Currently into RE7 and RE: ORC]]
Artist and musician.

[ID: A five page black and white comic featuring Anya, Jimmy, and Curly from Mouthwashing. The only colors are in their speech bubbles and Curly's blue eyes. The comic opens with a shot of a space rest stop with billboards and advertisements of food, drinks, fuel, etc.

Anya steps out of a "Polle-Mart" carrying a pack of cigarettes, and walks past Jimmy leaning against the side of the building, half in shadow.

Jimmy, smirking: A nurse with a smoking habit, huh? What has the world come to? They stare at each other for a moment. Anya: Just means I can make a more informed choice.

She goes to light a cigarette as Jimmy flicks his hand at her, asking for one. Curly jogs up behind her.

Anya, grabbing another cigarette: Ugh. Curly: Hey, guys! Mind if I bum one? I'll buy you some snacks?

He gives her big shiny puppy eyes. Anya glances in Jimmy's direction as he stares at her before she smiles at Curly, a halo over her head.

Anya: Sure, Captain! That's so sweet of you to offer. Jimmy glares at Curly. He looks at him before turning to Anya again. Curly: Er, can I make that two for two? Anya: Deal.

She passes him the pack as she lights her cigarette before lighting his for him. Curly goes over to Jimmy, handing him one as Anya stands around the corner to smoke hers.

Jimmy: You hit my fucking cig. Curly, smiling: I started it for you!

The last panel shows all three of them smoking calmly, Jimmy and Curly both shadowing by the building.

end ID]


a cigarette break between coworkers off the clock


Mouthwashing: The Musical

cant get it out of my head so dumping some ideas in a non-arranged way:


  • The songs ABSOLUTELY has to derive leitmotifs from the original soundtrack. It has to be 80s inspired dark synth-heavy with a little industrial/experimental touch. Maybe some of the songs are titled after the actual track titles (“Heroes”, “Here, On Earth”, “Bad News” - very theatrical titles).
  • Every character gets a soliloquy (ofc)
  • I can see Swansea having 3 leading songs. One will probably have the motif of “Close your eyes” (character introduction song), two is the reprise (Daisuke death scene), three is the speech he gives to Jimmy.
  • Anya’s solo comes in the “Dead Pixel” scene, but maybeee it can be a duet with Curly;
  • Daisuke will have the silly song and dance number that becomes sad mid song when he talks about his insecurities as intern (but it still ends with a bang).
  • Jimmy and Curly will absolutely HAVE to duet in the “I want to go home” We ARE home” scene.
  • I can envision a lengthy number heavy on spoken featuring Anya, Curly, and Jimmy during the scene where Anya reveals her pregnancy and the talk before the crash.
  • Curly could have a solo song with post-crash actor on upstage while in his headspace, his pre-crash actor sings on downstage.
  • There has to be a painful Anya, Jimmy, Swansea and Daisuke number on the scene when Anya locked herself in the medbay except this time! we get to hear Anya sing her side of the story (maybe Curly’s precrash actor is standing at the side too while Anya sings her last moments but he’s unseen by her, ya know like implied “audience sees, characters dont” thing)


  • Lighting has to be the peak highlight of the play, like in the game! Instead of black curtain bg, there’s a projector and screen as background that’ll display the day/night/sunset screentime.
  • Floor lighting is going to be used a LOT for dramatic scenes, like in Curly’s blood sea hallucination, floor lighting could be red as like, reflection of the blood sea.
  • Light direction goes INSANEE during crash reveal, imitation of emergency lights.
  • Can you IMAGINE Swansea’s speech scene on stage with projector and screen??? I cant explain because i never studied stage lighting but OUGH PLS IMAGINE HOW COOL AND DOABLE IT IS -


  • This is kinda hard because with set design, you have to be creative limiting stage props while keeping imagery of the set so changing set isn’t troublesome. There’s 6 sets: lounge, medical bay, cockpit, utility, cargo, and hallucination areas. But we can cut it down to:
  • SET 1 - LOUNGE + MEDICAL BAY. Both have screentime so they can be the same set, maybe Medical on stage right and Lounge on stage left. I think this format will make the “Anya locks herself” scene flow better. Anya is singing her final thoughts stage right, spotlight focus on her as she slowly moves downstage while the crew changes the set to Utility so after Anya takes the pills, the transition to Jimmy and Daisuke entering the Utility is quick.
  • SET 2 - UTILITY + COCKPIT. The set is pretty unique because of the cryopod and the vent, but it can share set with the cockpit since they have the common design of pipes and screens. The difference between the set are objects that can be easily taken away or added during set change, which is the pilots’ chairs in the (Cockpit) and the cryopod (Utility).
  • SET 3 - CARGO + HALLUCINATION AREAS. These set are mostly dark in lighting and not much prop other than boxes or shelves (with wheels underneath for easy pushing) of mouthwash and TVs. Scarce lighting and mostly empty stage allows free space for imagination which is perfect for hallucination scenes. The cargo area doesn’t have much design variety anyway.

god i jst gotta say i absolutely fucking adoreeeee the way u draw curly and jimmy. the shapes !!! the way jimmys face is more oval and his hair rectangular and curlys face angular but hair round....... and in the jimmy faces the explosion au the one eye hes got is his right eye as opposed to curlys left eye!!!! ohhhh they r so intertwined and it shows in the designs its so nice



They are reversed mirrors of each other, opposites in every way and therefore complementary

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