“I really miss you so bad right now. Like, really, not being able to call you makes me feel like I’m suffocating to death very slowly. It really is like you’re my drug, because I need you to feel good and function, and without you I just feel sick and go through withdrawals. I really miss you a ton. I want to talk to you so bad right now that I could start screaming I NEED MY BABY!!!”
MRW the DA is taking his sweet time to answer our motion and does not even answer emails anymore, which might cause our hearing to be postponed eventually.
His reaction when I’m wearing that new dress and I ask him to please STOP complimenting me every 2 seconds so we can talk about something else.
(he just called and complimented me again XD)
2 minutes after the visit, when returning to the unit: - Hubby: Fuck! - Friend: What?!! - Hubby: She’s gone. :(
When I'm going through all of the police reports for my husband's case and only find detectives who don't know the fuck they're doing (or who are desperately trying to cover stuff up for a fellow officer), physical evidence collected after the suspects were given a shower in jail and new clothes, witnesses who keep changing their version of the facts and parole officers who are making shit up........ huh, really?
When I’m being told I need a US driver’s license to get a social security number but the DMV tells me I need a social security number to get my driver’s license.
When I’m looking for a wedding dress that meets prison regulations.