Among the Society of Leopold, the Gladius Dei is the most battle-hardened division. Its membership is by invitation from the Inquisitor-General only, and is comparable to a knighthood within the Society. Its members are, in many senses, the ideal Inquisitors: Loyal without fault, zealous, courageous, and capable. Among the Hunters in the World of Darkness, few are as feared as the Gladius Dei, armed as they are with ancient faith and cutting edge technology.
Hunter the Reckoning 5th Edition
While these select pieces are part of the greater work, you can find the work of many of the artists involved below.
Tomas Arfert - (Very little to go on here) Krzysztof Bieniawski - (mostly cyberpunk art) or Lloyd Drake-Brockman - or seems to mostly do cyberpunk art, idk what he did in this book Raquel Cornejo - or Mirko Failoni - or Per Gradin - Mark Kelly - This guy was the cover artist Ronja Melin - I think? There are two artists with this name, neither of whom have art that looks right, but the rightest looking linkedin linked here Anders Muammar - or mostly edited photo work, not our guy here Paulina Westerling
With many thanks to @theatremamadionysus, my good friend who basically did the hard work in gathering the names and links for me. Looking forward to playing again with you whenever we can.
Thinking about trying Hunter: The Reckoning when the new version comes out. I never really liked the original version because A: it was an excessively edgy dramatic mess that was painful to read and listen to, B: it had a propensity for homophobic and other questionable viewpoints.
But the new World of Darkness books that have been coming lately, along with the way the game line has evolved in the last twenty years makes me willing to try. A setting with humans divinely empowered to smite monsters and protect humanity always gets my interest. It’s still the world of darkness, dark dramatic shit will no doubt be happening, and But hey, that just means we need to do something about it.
What do you guys think?
Hunter the Reckoning, The Judge by Dmitry Bezrodniy
This has to be the sexiest video game ending song ever created….