I was just sitting in the lounge with my family and they we're having their own conversation that I had nothing to do with, so as usual I go off in my own thoughts and end up smiling because of it
(I was thinking about a scene for my fic fyi)
And my dad ends up... I don't even know how to describe his reaction. He just...he's more or less upset and went on this tangent about how I get upset when he makes crude jokes and all that stuff but when I have dirty joke it's funny.
I don't know where the hell he got that from but I told him that I wasn't laughing about anything dirty and what I was thinking about was none of his business.
He asked me to tell him what I was thinking about and I just said something funny in my head. He let it go but I don't think he believed me.
I don't understand why this is an issue and this isn't the first time something like this has happened either.
The fact that I have an outward emotion to internal thought seems to be a problem for my dad and i have no fucking clue why.
I'm human, I have emotions and sometimes they make their way to the surface and onto my face. But I don't fucking need to explain to you why. it's like butting in on a conversation you weren't apart of.
I'm not doing it for attention, I don't expect him to ask me about it
I generally don't want him to pay attention to me at all tbh
So why the fuck do we have an issue in the first place?!
He's just looking for a fight I swear