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Symphony System


She/They, bi/trans/polyam/plural/otherkin, system of ~20, derse dreaming page of heart

Me: im trans

Snake: Hrm... trans huh? give me a moment

Snake goes into a box and calls up his husband

Snake: Otacon, this lady dropped a piece of intel in regards to herself, do you know what "trans" means

Otacon: Snake, that's short for the term "transgender" a phrase used for those who's identity doesn't align with their asigned sex, some use hormones or surgery to better fit their lifestyle

Snake: Chemical and Surgical modification huh? they're like supersoldiers but they choose to change to fight for their own spirits rather than a nation...

Otacon: Remember snake, being "trans" is an umbrella label, many in the community identify beyond our common gender binary, including traditional cultural gender roles or wholly new ones

Snake: A wide variety of genders, such diversity not only make them unpredictable but increases practical versatility, impressive stuff

Otacon: oh this is just like Lily Hoshikawa from my Japanese animes

Snake leaves the box

Snake: You're pretty good huh? this trans stuff sounds intense, you have my support as a fellow soldier


happy birthday to large boulder size of a small boulder


What are the exact measurements for the average golbo? I've been thinking about making a life-sized one as a pet and faithful companion


There is only one discovered Golbo, and so the measures of that particular Golbo is the average.

As a refresher:

Golbo is 78.74 cm long and 66 cm wide.

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