#us politics – @voltaspistol on Tumblr


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Reddit Refugee, Dearest Leader of r/TrollXFunny (retired), Wildcard Mod at r/AccidentalRenaissance (retired), Disability Advocate, Art Nerd, History Enthusiast, Biology Groupie, Elder Millennial, Bisexual on the Asexual Spectrum, She/Her.

Which is bad enough. The only reasons I can think of to want to do that would be to force people to go to religous-run shelters that would try to impose their beliefs upon them, or to try and make all the homeless people in the state move to Oklahoma City and Tulsa.

But then you read the definition she uses for homeless people and it, somehow, gets even worse. Because included in her definition is:

  • Persons and families who do not have access to normal accommodations as a result of violence or the threat of violence from a cohabitant

Which means she's also banning most city and county governments in the state from helping to protect battered women from abusive partners.

And I can't really think of any non-sociopathic reason to want that.

Oh, and last year they passed a law which makes being homeless a crime, so maybe Lisa just wants to fill up private prisons with victims of spousal abuse or something.


The cod-Marxism of personalized pricing

Picks and Shovels is a new, standalone technothriller starring Marty Hench, my two-fisted, hard-fighting, tech-scam-busting forensic accountant. You can pre-order it on my latest Kickstarter, which features a brilliant audiobook read by Wil Wheaton.

The social function of the economics profession is to explain, over and over again, that your boss is actually right and that you don't really want the things you want, and you're secretly happy to be abused by the system. If that wasn't true, why would your "choose" commercial surveillance, abusive workplaces and other depredations?

In other words, economics is the "look what you made me do" stick that capitalism uses to beat us with. We wouldn't spy on you, rip you off or steal your wages if you didn't choose to use the internet, shop with monopolists, or work for a shitty giant company. The technical name for this ideology is "public choice theory":

Of all the terrible things that economists say we all secretly love, one of the worst is "price discrimination." This is the idea that different customers get charged different amounts based on the merchant's estimation of their ability to pay. Economists insist that this is "efficient" and makes us all better off. After all, the marginal cost of filling the last empty seat on the plane is negligible, so why not sell that seat for peanuts to a flier who doesn't mind the uncertainty of knowing whether they'll get a seat at all? That way, the airline gets extra profits, and they split those profits with their customers by lowering prices for everyone. What's not to like?

Plenty, as it turns out. With only four giant airlines who've carved up the country so they rarely compete on most routes, why would an airline use their extra profits to lower prices, rather than, say, increasing their dividends and executive bonuses?

For decades, the airline industry was the standard-bearer for price discrimination. It was basically impossible to know how much a plane ticket would cost before booking it. But even so, airlines were stuck with comparatively crude heuristics to adjust their prices, like raising the price of a ticket that didn't include a Saturday stay, on the assumption that this was a business flyer whose employer was footing the bill:

With digitization and mass commercial surveillance, we've gone from pricing based on context (e.g. are you buying your ticket well in advance, or at the last minute?) to pricing based on spying. Digital back-ends allow vendors to ingest massive troves of commercial surveillance data from the unregulated data-broker industry to calculate how desperate you are, and how much money you have. Then, digital front-ends – like websites and apps – allow vendors to adjust prices in realtime based on that data, repricing goods for every buyer.

As digital front-ends move into the real world (say, with digital e-ink shelf-tags in grocery stores), vendors can use surveillance data to reprice goods for ever-larger groups of customers and types of merchandise. Grocers with e-ink shelf tags reprice their goods thousands of times, every day:


The hellscape of surveillance and abuse.

I believe our 'data' should be as sacrosanct as our bodies. A proper treatment of privacy is fundamental. It is a human right.

I'm old enough to remember when 'law enforcement' needed a court order to access the kind of information that is taken every second of every day by unregulated corporatists who abuse it and have weaponised the law to prevent us from stopping it.

Every time a person's data is collected they should be getting paid for it. Every time a person's data is accessed for processing, they should be paid. That real cost should be impacting hard and making surveillance capitalism bankrupt .

How many agencies would be data trolling if it cost them real money every time they did it?

And I can't see my former 'stalkery' boss scanning people's domestic social media if the fucker had to pay for it.


As we've reported previously, despite holding executive roles in multiple major corporations and undertaking the busy work of burrowing himself in incoming political regimes, Elon Musk manages to find time to boast some impressive gaming laurels, claiming to hold high placements in Diablo 4 leaderboards and Path of Exile 2 hardcore league rankings. This week, those claims are being called into doubt, as PoE 2 streamers and subreddit sleuths analyze a recent stream in which Musk seemed to fumble over basic gameplay mechanics.


They didn't introduce a bill to just repeal the $35 cap on insulin.

  • the $35 insulin cap.
  • And a yearly cap of $2,000 for medications in Medicare Part D.
  • And allowing Medicare to negotiate for drug prices.
  • And requiring pharma companies to issue refunds to Medicare if the costs of their drugs rises faster than inflation
  • And an elimination of copays in Medicare Part D for vaccines like tetanus and rabies
  • And an expansion of eligibility for low-income subsidies for Medicare

Saying they want to eliminate just the insulin cap is understating their desire to fuck people over.


[Image ID: A series of screenshots from a Twitter thread by Jason Coupet / professajay.

Text begins: Man voting in Georgia is so different than in Illinois. When I lived in chicago, during early voting, I went to the local elementary school, waited in line about ten minutes, and they gave me a sheet of paper. I checked people off then I put it in the machine and left.

Not Georgia. We drove downtown because *every* other polling place had a line >90 minutes. We paid ten bucks to park. We went in the building, then emptied out pockets to go through a metal detector. We then saw a sign about where to park to get our parking validated. Inside.

We then waited in line ~80 minutes. We got to the end and we were given a form to fill out (?). We were told *not* to sign it until told. Then we were moved into a waiting room where we were given a ticket number, like when you are at the dmv.

We were told to get our IDs out and wait. We waited here for 15-20 minutes. When your number is called they took your form, did some stuff on the computer, then told you to sign the form. Then you get a little green card. You insert it into the machine.

Then you go through three or four prompts, including a very serious™️ warning about perjury, a totally necessary warning given how huge a problem stolen identity is for the purposes of voting on behalf of someone else.

You then finally vote, and after an “are you sure” prompt you get a sheet. You then have to walk the sheet over to feed it into a machine. About half of these were working.

The bottleneck was clearly the weird application and waiting room thing. There are two dozen people at a time sitting to have their stuffed checked. Think of it as regular voting except when you got there they had to run a credit check for *each person* like you need financing.

It was easier finishing my PhD paperwork. Thankful for the kind people (nearly all black women) the shepherded the processes. But man if you are poor or disabled or whatever, good luck yo. That should have been easier. We finished tho. Text ends.

Image ID: Two Black people are standing beside a city street and smiling at the camera, a man and a woman. The man has close-cropped hair and a beard. He is wearing a black hoodie that says Southside and has a sticker on his chest with a peach on it. The woman has large tortoiseshell browline glasses and long twist locs. She has a light brown leather crossbody bag, and is wearing a salmon-colored windbreaker. She also has a peach sticker on her chest, which she is pointing to. Her hand has a wedding ring. End ID]


Not-so-fun fact:  the reason this kind of shit is happening is that, in 2013, the Supreme Court killed the federal oversight provision of the 1965 voting rights act.  

Quick history lesson:  After the US Civil War, the 15th Amendment established that states could not bar Black people, including freed slaves, from voting.  This happened during so called “Radical Reconstruction,” the brief period where former Confederate officials were barred from political participation. 

 As soon as that period ended, white officials in the former Confederate states began making laws to prevent Blacks from exercising their right to vote--the poll taxes and “literacy tests” that you’ve probably heard of; there were also some other things like requiring a first-time voter to be vouched for by an established voter.  All of this was legal because the Constitution gives each state the right to decide how it’s going to conduct elections.   They could have any restrictions they wanted, as long as those restrictions could theoretically be applied equally to all races.  

After decades of Black struggle for civil rights, the Voting Rights act reiterated what the 15th Amendment already said, but added an enforcement mechanism, in the form of federal oversight of voting procedures in locations that, according to a formula laid out in the Act, had a history of discriminatory practices in the conduct of elections.  Those states could still set their own procedures, but they had to run them by the Department of Justice, and allow federal observers to monitor actual their actual practice.

In 2013, some of those states went to the Supreme Court and said, basically, “We’ve been doing this for 50 years now, we know how to run a fair election, some of our best friends are Black, honestly aren’t you the real racists for treating us differently due to our long history of racism?”

The Court agreed with this argument, despite critics predicting that removal of federal oversight would immediately begin a slow creep of practices that would make voting more difficult, in ways that would add up to a racially discriminatory effect.  

Lo and behold, just four federal election cycles--two presidential election cycles--since oversight was ended, here they are, back on their bullshit. 


This is why there needs to be a Constitutional amendment to establish federal and state level independent election agencies, not controlled by political parties, who handle:

  • fair districting (no gerrymandering)
  • election logistics and management
  • standardized ID checks - and whenever you do your taxes your address gets updated with them, opt-in
  • No purging of voter rolls, in fact you’re automatically registered at the minimum age and only deregistered when declared incompetent or dead
  • also handles limits on campaign advertising (only allowed during a declared period up to election day)
  • simplified, one-issue-only paper ballots, not giant forms for every possible race

I'm postcarding for GOTV in Georgia. I'm super motivated to finish that job now 📬 🗳️!!!


So. Found this link on Reddit, but apparently the Adrian Dittman, tripcoded and all, was defending Musk on 4chan, and he dropped a screenshot of a Musk tweet that was like. 100% logged in as Elon Musk. It had the “View Post Engagements” and an admin control panel in the corner. World’s richest man caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Permalink to the thread if you want to see it yourself - but maybe don’t because it’s so full of racist shit. Like we all knew there was already a 99% chance that Dittman was just a Musk alt, but knowing that Musk is genuinely so ego bruised that he is personally on 4chan right now trying to do damage control actually

It actually freaks me out a little. A middle schooler could wrap this man around their finger by calling him a stinkyhead. Man has half a trillion dollars and he’s still trying to seem cool on 4chan. What the fuck.


Dudes healthcare is so fake. My ADHD meds are $940 without insurance. But they gave me a website of "coupons" which straight up looks like a scam website, and I got it today for $60! Just a coupon from a random website and it was $900 cheaper. America, I am confusion!! America explain!!

For all my uninsured judys out there it's for Walgreens only:


as a pharmacy technician i can share with you some websites that give you those "coupons" for your meds!

goodrx is the most well known one, but if i'm trying to find the cheapest price for a patient i compare it to scriptcycle, and use whichever is offering the best price. you just type in the medication (PLEASE make sure you're getting the right drug, dosage, and quantity) and your zip code and they will spit out some offers for you

some pharmacies may have their own discount card to compare to as well!

if you are getting a name brand medication, you can also look at the manufacturer's website to see if they offer any evouchers for you to use too

good luck out there 👍

USAmericans, I am jumping up and down and waving my hands to get your attention: this is because your government refuses to stand between you and drug manufacturers.

In many other countries, the government has a department which makes deals with drug companies about which ones can supply drugs for the entire country. This gives them a lot of power to bargain the price down, because otherwise the company loses access to the market of The Entire Country. We still get the same drugs as you, including name-brand ones, but we pay much less. For example, I had to look into the cost of HRT in Aotearoa and a bottle of T gel is $22NZD*, which is about a third of the price I see USAmericans mention for it AFTER insurance!

And this can't even be totally blamed on the insurance industry (though they may also profit from higher drug prices) because we also have private health insurers! This is because the drug companies know that they can make you pay many, many times more for drugs by stopping the government from standing between you and them.

*This is assuming you're getting it unfunded for some reason; most people pay $5 or $0 because of further medication subsidies.

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