#polls – @volkaija on Tumblr

For the World is Hollow

@volkaija /

Elim / he - him / 26

Because polls get the most engagement I’m making a poll lol

(For the sake of this poll: a collector is anyone who *currently has* a collection of things either physically or digitally that they intentionally acquired which can be grouped together)

Please please please please pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase tell me what you collect and optionally why!!!! (This is doubly true if your collection is related to a regulatory/“special” interest!!!!!!! That’s honestly the only reason I’m making this poll, I am begging youuuuuuuuuuu


ok this happens for me i was talking to someone about it and i. dont think everyone does this so poll time. if you went somewhere (school, work, the store, etc) in your clothes do you immediately change out of them when you get home. Like having seperate clothes for at home. outside pants you cant wear while sitting on the bed because theyre been places you cant do that. its ok if youre already wearing going out clothes and you sit on the bed before you leave BUT if youve already been somewhere you absolutely cannot sit on the bed before you at least change your pants. But you gotta change your shirt too if you plan to lay down. that was kinda complicated but does anyone else do this please

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