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Does John Possess A Hopkins?


Hey traveller, looking to stay on the blog for a while?
Well, I like magic, and stories, and a lot of other stuff too
So stick around
You're bound to find something you like twitter: @innatelywriting
Header by thatsdelightful

Wizard Fact #6: The average wizard has 27 middle names


Common misconception! Romulus agriope benal autumn polioicus auricious Kamen larentin Undathal nevermore Neri Vicious redemus dadelus kanada Mauritius Quintus winter-fall gandalf laddious Morton Kamala phonitis Hamlet William deathson marble wealion xuaritious baulbus boulbus yeaugh leamus waglatun posideon's-wrath Astaroth Nemoy Sheldon Ayon Lee Ionide Harriot Malin Defocus Juno Penis-Superpower Daring Skeleton Malferious (48) The-Hammer Banker Wilson Odysseus Cheron Chevron Dictionarious Anton Marionette Octous Fallon Earron Hundred Yallon Tatis Depression Austin Legarth Custon Cardboard Kayholius Lenolium Packett Poison Redpants Aluminon Concrete Halley Mutton Sandle Calendar Lunarious Brickus Asphalt June Snake Seashell Oak Purple Sportedly Crickety Insectus Adam Dustus China Pineneedle Styrophoam Paperweightus Harlan Zagareous Ziggity Hameon David Bentcarn Evileous Cigarette Mercy Lighter Leaflitterer Shoppington Alleyway Longgarir Pajamas Lexington Quintin Jimaca Gatorade Caesar Watermol Goose Saldad Hoop Jarlsberb Picklebreah Xcol Lavash Goodness Rawson Timothy Gant Promise Arnold junkless godson, who has 140 middle names and regularly steals names from others is an outliar and should not have been counted


An Introduction, Some Words of Advice, and a Warning of Irritation

If you’re reading this, you already know that I, Alexan Drytus, was recently promoted within my Mage role at the Grand Celestio Counsel of Wizards. I’m constantly being sent inquiries from young wizards on how I got this position and asking for networking tips, so I thought I’d lay it all out in a recurring letter format. Please understand that though I am happy to help provide advice, my updates must come after my duties in my new position as a Mid-Level Mage at the Grand Counsel.


Ok, so here's the deal. This summer, I, a human writer from this world, accidentally came into contact with a wizard from another world, Alexan Drytus. After talking for a while, I learned that in their world, Alexan releases a weekly blog about her job as a corporate wizard, and we decided our world needs to hear about this too. Therefore, I am going to start distributing Alexan's blog weekly in this world, so we can all enjoy the tales of a corporate wizard

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