8 Hands, 1 Piano! Watch more!
I’m home with this
We know how to pen-spin 〜 みやかわくん
i dont get sexually frustrated i just get romantically frustrated like why isnt somebody holding my hand
160211_020_P1070870 by Shinsuke ODA
i used to work at Denny’s and honestly i served the weirdest people like this one time these two really stoned guys came in and when they were ordering their drinks the one guy was like “i would like a coke with exactly 6 ice cubes” and i actually counted out 6 and brought him his drink and when he saw that there was actually exactly 6 ice cubes he just stared at me for an uncomfortably long time and also he tipped me 20 dollars
Southern France vibes
life is good
these r the cutest things i ever seen run me tf over !!!
the good old streets of Gojo by miho’s dad on Flickr.