if i find out who voted for poland...
when i find out who voted for israel
@visenya-targarye / visenya-targarye.tumblr.com
if i find out who voted for poland...
when i find out who voted for israel
I just want to remind everyone it does not end tonight. Israel may have lost tonight but never forget they were still allowed to compete even when they are actively commiting a genocide of the Palestinian people! The deaths of thousands of people were not enough for the EBU to disqualify them. The public was being lied to with the anti-booing technology. Israeli delegation was constantly harassing other contestants and threatening them. Still, it was not enough to disqualify them. No, they received more than 300 points, ending in the 5th place.
And they will definitely be competing again next year without suffering any consequences for their actions. Shame on everyone who voted for them.
Fuck the EBU, fuck Israel, fuck Eurovision, fuck Martin Österdahl.
Nah, Is*ael got 350? Some of y’all don’t deserve a Eurovision vote
dear god, take away olly alexander's zero points and give it to eden golan
když je ti na 99,9% jasný pro koho bude česká porota hlasovat
Pro-Palestinian protesters march in Malmö, Sweden, calling for Israel's exclusion from Eurovision.
a little collection for tonight
and most importantly
This isn't very love love peace peace, eurovision
mood for this godforsaken Friday afternoon
ukraine is addicted to slaying
and this year the honorary title of the eurovision witch goes to ireland
i will excuse all the ballads but israel better be getting ZERO points
Ukraine should just win again. Not only they have the best song, but also another FU to ruzzia