@virtualgirladv on Tumblr

maid to mech

@virtualgirladv /

Made in 199X(25+); it/bot; chatGPTs stoner dyke cousin; robot/mecha/doll/maid enthusiast ; rated M15+ for adult humour and brainrot; 🇦🇺🏳️‍🌈


Hi im VGA that robot failgirl from the interwebs. Wear this mask and join my totally not a cult or catch my streams
pfp by @jp-nichts

Major tags I use:

@virtualgirlart - Repository for just my art stuff(there isn't much)

The ability to separate fiction from reality is very important, and also very easy

Reading a lolisho, rape, snuff, etc story on AO3 doesn't make someone wanna do any of it, cause it's, yknow, a story, a fictional story

Playing violent video games don't make people want to commit violent acts, fighting games are incredibly popular, yet if you walk down the street, generally, you won't just square up with some random person cause you feel like it

Looking at feral yiff doesn't mean someone's gonna go do anything to a real animal, it's just a piece of art, one that's specifically designed to make you horny too

It's so incredibly easy to just, close the tab and be like, "wow that was hot, I had a great time, thankfully it's not real cause that would be bad."

Just jerk off and have fun, don't feel guilty, it's okay, it's just a drawing, it's just a fanfic, I promise you and the world will be just fine, you're not a terrible person, pet pet you on the head, it's okay

separating Wanting from Doing is also an important distinction imo. wanting is not a crime and has never hurt anyone, even wanting bad things that would cause harm. thought crimes are not real, you don't have to beat yourself up about what goes on in your own mind <3 also starts petting your head along with OP


this video gets copystriked the second I try and post it on twitter but maybe it can survive here


I propose that a story dealing primarily with a tragedy's aftermath be called an antigonian story. I think this is a good idea for lots of reasons but primarily because a story dealing primarily with the tragedy's advent would by analogy be oedipal and I should like to see that usage surpass the dumb, bad one that dumb old Freud came up with

I just really like Sophocles and stories about the aftermath of tragedy and really hate that dumb old pervert Sigmund Freud

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