please tell me i wasn’t the only one who found this hilarious as hell
viridavis reblogged
viridavis reblogged
viridavis reblogged
i’m never gonna let the da2 claw thing go
Another meaningless doodle
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viridavis reblogged
@koshkeritsa asked about hawke B6 and fenris E9
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Fenris went with Hawke to Skyhold. There’s no way he didn’t.
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There. The road has crumbled before his feet; what he chooses now will break the rest of it. He has been Danarius’s slave all his living memory, every moment, every heartbeat bent to his master’s will; and here is the offering of that life again, given at the price of everything he has learned since Hawke won him from his master. The only thing he’d wanted, once—
But Hadriana smiles, and Fenris must choose here where he will cast his lot. Either Hadriana may command him or she may not. Either his master holds power over him, even from this distance, or he does not, and Fenris—
Fenris must decide what he has left to fear.
This beautiful, beautiful creation is by @thepandaleon, who hadn’t even told me it existed until last night and has given me permission to share it here today. I have yet to find the words expressing how much this means to me, but–I am so very, very grateful and honored and will probably never quite be over this. Thank you. <3
Full-size PDF available to view here, since tumblr makes this text awfully difficult to see.
A masterpiece, like the story it belongs to
Fenris will rip the shit out of your heart if you mess with Hawke.