Cutest thing I’ve seen all day
01/09/2014 - Super Soccer - Musashi Suzuki...
19/08/2014 - ... :D
30/05/2014 - Misaki Shirai...
08/04/2014 - Super News - Adorable Honda...
Reign FC unveils its new 2014 uniform kits atop Space Needle
Ando, Thunebro and Kumagai.
Adelina Sotnikova and Yuzuru Hanyu (仲良く練習するソトニコワと羽生 - メガピクチャー - goo ニュースから)
17/01/2014 - Manami Mitsuboshi with Sumire-chan (4 years old daughter)...
Toco The Cat And His Human: Growing Up Together
A tabby cat and her little human both turned two this year. They have been growing up together since birth. The two share a very special friendship and are completely inseparable. The parents have documented their special bond on instagram. It’s evident that kitty loves his little human and the little girl adores her furry best friend.
Via Love Meow
27/11/2013 - The Inui family is too adorable.
Warm chocolate bun… I’d like to find these things in France too OMG (I could imagine a pain au chocolat version LOL).