« You knew. Of course you knew »
₊ ⊹ Arthur Hughes as Matthew Shardlake and Anthony Boyle as Jack Barak in SHARDLAKE (2024)
TATTY/HELEN in MASTERS OF THE AIR ↳ only 14 hours to go! vote tatty/helen here!
THE WHITE QUEEN Episode 6 Love and Death Dir. Jamie Payne
₊ ⊹ Nicole Kidman as Romy in BABYGIRL (2024)
The White Lotus Season 3 | Episode 4 "Hide Or Seek "
You’re telling me this plot has a hole? Is it tight?
MAD MEN season 2 (2008)
The White Lotus Season 3 | Episode 4 "Hide or Seek"
sometimes thinking abt all the gaming youre gonna do later is what gets you through the workday and then you get home and do no gaming. not even a little bit of gaming
James Caan as SONNY CORLEONE in The Godfather (1972) dir. Francis Ford Coppola
requested by @springsteens
*covered in blood* I'm literally fine guys. im still funny. Would you like to hear a joke Im going to tell you a joke
London by onceuponatravellust.
₊ ⊹ Jenna Coleman as Ember Manning, Arthur Hughes as Liam Ashby and Archie Renaux as Hitch in THE JETTY (2024)
i love when people rant to me like yes i am entrusted with your hate