a fluffy Anabeee \(=o=)/
pre-order sketches are underway!
PS. I've already received a couple requests, but, if you've preordered my sketchbook, and have a request for one of my ocs, or like.. a 90s anime character cause they're the best that ever was then shoot me a message somehow and i'll try to work that in :) thanks!
Anabelle \o/ the finished version of this one
every once in a while I just have a need to draw Anabelle. I really should draw her more often though.. I love her ;----;
found a really old scribble of Anabelle in my files and decided to redraw it since I've not drawn her in a quite a while ;3;
was meant to be a warm up sketch... but its a bit late now
maybe I'll add color tomorrow for my warm up :O
a lot of yal said you missed Anabelle;; sorry its just a quick before-bedtime doodle, so I'll try to draw her again after some rest <3
Audi told me to go ahead and submit it because who doesnt like boobs on their dash so here I am submitting it.
I dont actually care for holidays, but with all the love on my dash, I couldn't resist drawing something lol... its only a little sketch thing, but, happy early valentine's day?
sorry for all the text posts. i'll upload a doodle for now ;3;
I rewatched the Utada Hikaru video for Passion recently and the opening really makes me wanna try to animate Anabelle flying ;3; idk if i will, or even have the time to do it.. but, its a thought
commissioner let me draw whomever I wanted ;w;
Hi again Anabelle~
just some late night traditional doodling. i feel like i haven't touched my markers in years........
Sorry this isnt too good. havent drawn in days....but, Shay has been wanting me to draw Annie in a swimsuit for a while. So.. here you go.