#sakura haruno – @vesperlionheart on Tumblr

Vesper's Lionheart

@vesperlionheart /

Behold & be a witness to all that I admire.

Old comic for Naruto Ask. Translation ------------------------ Q: Kankuro, how do you feel about Sakura? Have you talked to her since she healed you? 1 pic: K - Sakura saved my life. I am very grateful to her for that. At that moment, I thought that I didn't want her to go. All my feelings for Gaara, Temari… I knew that nothing good would come of it, and she seemed so perfect to me at that moment. But I am a realist, and she likes Sasuke. Only I couldn't forget about her for a long time. 2 pic: K - Sakura is a strong and beautiful kunoichi. I would be lying if I said I didn't imagine us together, but that was just a dream. The war brought us all together and Sakura and I often crossed paths. At some point, I thought that I was glad to be here seeing her so grown up. And you know… that was enough to inspire me.

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