New comic! Looks like Chloreen is running the bakery by herself right now. Wherever could Saltbaker and Sacha be? : O
Now what's this? :O
Chloreen is doing her best and working real hard as usual 🤭
Meanwhile... 👀
Busy, busy, busy! 💪
Oh Sacha, you're adorable 🤭But who is this mystery person helping her out? :O
Okay, now what are these two up to? :O
Well, look who are all here!
No buts, no cuts, no coconuts. They're helping 🤭
Literally /everyone/ came to help out, huh?
Glumstone's one of those characters that I still have to learn how to draw properly, but he's here to help too~
Time to get to work!
It's house building montage time!
Everyone's working hard and then... 🔔