I Have Been Locked Out Of My Tumblr All Summer LMAO
all i needed to do was change my password but i couldn't get into my email either. it has been really, really hard to think straight since ohhh about may or so.
updates: doing better. brother still dead. funeral went great (and now i can reblog aud's post about it!). all the friends we had as kids have grown up, it was crazy. the body vanished, we found him eventually at the crematorium center but it took like a week and a half. he didn't get around that much when he was an alive person!
used up about a gallon of brain matter on all that mess. but. back to drawing and ffxiv with me. thank you for all the awesome messages I got, i will try to reply but the fog is very thick just now. the noise you hear is me cheering from the ether.