#what did you eat yesterday – @variousqueerthings on Tumblr

Various Queer Things

@variousqueerthings /

various queer things

Just wanted to say thank you for all the work you've put into this, it's the most incredible queer film archive I've ever seen. D'you have any personal favourites? (a potentially big question)


thank you so much💕💕

oof that's is a big question! out of all the movies on here so far I'd have to single out quite a few. like, from the top of my head I'd have to say Big Eden, Filibus, My Beautiful Laundrette, Next Goal Wins (the doc), and Mystere a la tour Eiffel. also the handmaiden. also operation hyacinth. also the law of desire and saving face and badhaai do and dracula's daughter and the attack of the giant moussaka snjhsjksahdjksjk it's just so many movies


thanks for answering (from my sideblog now)-- and everyone who has an interest in queer cinema, go check out this blog!


I love parents in gay dramas. What Did You Eat Yesterday? / Kinou Nani Tabeta?

The line ‘ARE YOU HALF ASSING THE GAY LIFETSYLE’ speaks to me on a personal level

I love how they’re not even mad about their son beinf gay but like BITCH WE‘RE MEETING HIM AND IF WE DONT YOURE A DISGRACE

The parental guilt trip is so fucking universal omg I love it.

You hide your boyfriend from your parents?! You hide your boyfriend like you are ashamed??!!! Oh jail for son!! Jail for son for 1000 years!!!

HOLD THE PHONE there’s a live action version of What Did You Eat Yesterday?? how did I not know this!?

everyone should read the manga this is based on! the protagonist is a 40 year old Shiro, a gay lawyer who is somewhat neurotic and is not used to society being increasingly accepting of gay people since he’s been in the closet for so long. Introverted Shiro is held in contrast to his boyfriend Kenji, who is out and proud and a social butterfly. The story is a slow paced character study on aging gay couples and how being queer is perceived by society. We get the perspectives of the gay couple, their families, their friends and their co-workers.

btw this line in the manga was “is being gay a joke to you??”

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