Just wanted to say thank you for all the work you've put into this, it's the most incredible queer film archive I've ever seen. D'you have any personal favourites? (a potentially big question)
thank you so much💕💕
oof that's is a big question! out of all the movies on here so far I'd have to single out quite a few. like, from the top of my head I'd have to say Big Eden, Filibus, My Beautiful Laundrette, Next Goal Wins (the doc), and Mystere a la tour Eiffel. also the handmaiden. also operation hyacinth. also the law of desire and saving face and badhaai do and dracula's daughter and the attack of the giant moussaka snjhsjksahdjksjk it's just so many movies
thanks for answering (from my sideblog now)-- and everyone who has an interest in queer cinema, go check out this blog!