richard-grayson → meraofxebel
because i’ll see my queen make her big screen debut in 3 days 💕
vanessacarlysle → tompayne
i was going to wait until i finished my halloween meme but tom looks really great in tonight's twd ep so i'm doing it now lmao
huge thanks to @scarletswitch ♥♥
shellyjohnsons → vanessacarlysle
i was missing this url ♥ still tracking usercarol :)
theavatar → pattysjenkins
henlo it me again with the url changes :’) this is the closest i’ll get to a ww related url and I am so excited about it. I still track the tag #usernen so feel free to tag me in anything 💜
gordon-barbara ➜ greensarrow
I know I’ve changed my url a lot this year, but I swear this is the last change in a really really long time (maybe forever, I don’t think I’ll get a better url tbh). I love this url, @richard-grayson gave it to me because she’s amazing and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it a lot, so… yeah, I’m so happy right now! I’m still tracking #userash and this is still a multifandom blog, of course!
vanessacarlysle >>> shellyjohnsons
i'm still tracking #usercarol :)
mathewsdadario➜ gordon-barbara
I’ll be using this new url until Shadowhunters hiatus ends. I’m still tracking #userash, so feel free to tag my as much as you want <33
moanas → tarajis
i know i keep changing my urls (stop judging me! adhkajslhdk) but i’ve fallen for taraji p henson and there’s no coming back from it ⭐️ i still track #usernen 💜 (new icon as well)
queeniesgoldstein → richard-grayson
i’ll be tracking #usermargo from now on :)
haleyscott → elizabethscooper
i will be tracking #usercarol from now on to make things easier :)