vanessacarlysle reblogged
What more do you want? To save the world, of course.
What more do you want? To save the world, of course.
Trish Walker - I Want Your Cray Cray
I haven’t had any privacy since I was 12, when my mother sold it.
“Finally getting some answers to all the mysterious shaking and sinking around the city. The mayor’s office confirms that unpermitted construction around Midland Circle is to blame. Oddly enough, I’m told the implosion actually settled the ground again, meaning we’re off to a more stable start today. It’s certainly weird, but what can I say? It’s just another day in New York City. At least… the rent is cheap? Your thoughts, next.”
Female Awesome Meme ♡ [1/10] supporting female characters - Trish Walker “No one touches me anymore unless I want them to. I let you fight my battles for too long.”
Female Awesome Meme - [9/10] female dynamics: Trish & Jessica; "I love you."
Female Awesome Meme - [7/10] supporting female characters: Trish Walker; “No one touches me anymore unless I want them to."