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howdy i’m dominique
no minors or terfs :)

"umm what's a real movie, you obvious snob" thanks for asking. a real movie is one that was made with the primary purpose of telling a story, not investor value. okay now the world is your oyster.


I'm rewatching 1x07 for the millionth time and losing my mind over this little moment where Lestat silently signals to Louis to turn the page, and for just a second when they cut to Louis he's totally lost in Lestat's gaze before he manages to snap himself out of it. He just immediately tumbled into that well with no bottom the instant their eyes locked together...


i know i've said this before but i'm going to say it again because the more i work with geriatric women the stronger i feel about the fact that the only anti-aging that women in their 20s/30s should be obsessed with is building strong bones and muscle mass. that's like the most important thing you can you can do right now to lay a good foundation for healthy aging. you can botox the shit out of your face but that's not going to do anything to save you from dying prematurely from a fatal hip fracture that you can't bounce back from because you didn't do anything to prevent yourself from becoming frail and breakable. like i know that sounds harsh but that is reality for a lot of older women and i don't want that to be you.

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