Megatron caught the Seekers in the middle of somethin' 🤭
what do you mean this didn’t happen at the end of zero-hour
Codex Week 2025, Day 6: Nightmares | Insomnia @codex-week
Sometimes the things that happened will be twisted into the worst possible outcome, and then you’d keep looping that fake incident in your brain until you feel like throwing up.
Happy bonus:
Ahsoka’s fine, Rex! She’s confused and concerned why he looks a little teary, but understands when Cody’s there to sign Nightmares behind his head. She talks to Rex about the most mundane things, and both of them are content to listen.
Codex Week 2025, Day 2: Coldest Nights @codex-week
Swapped Day 2 with Alt 1: Coldest Nights by Henri Prestes. Honeymoon is over, the beasts outside their home will now like to come in, fellas.
Waxers tummy troubles on Umbara
The WaxerBoilMonth discord r to blame for Waxer now having got nothing from umbara but ibs and a life long sentence of being teased for passing out on Captain Rex
previous one went stratospheric so this came about lmao??
but, maybe, it's something we could learn
The ol’ CT-number trick, gets em every time.
Saw a skit of an actual EMT re-enacting a call similar to this and immediately knew this scenario was made for Fives and Kix!
Late night sketches -
Individual frames for High Quality reasons