#awwww – @valkeakuulas on Tumblr

Under that Old Apple Tree a Ringwraith sleeps

@valkeakuulas /

Level Up: Over 30 | she/her | NSFW content. A mess of a blog with transformers, LOTR, anime & manga, Star Wars stuff and occasionally fics by yours truly and some other things that amuse me. Roleplay tag is 'valkeakuulas RP'; I advice you to block it, if you don't want to see them.

Firewoodwander Revival Era is GO!!! 🎉🎉🎉💖💖💖

🦌+ Codex ft. Sweet Thing please!!

Wintertime prompts

Cody is minding his own business, nominally. Here he sits, on his usual bench, admiring the way the wind whirls and whips crunchy golden leaves that scatter about the path in miniature hurricanes. Next thing he knows there’s a tiny little nose snuffling cold and wet at his fingers, accompanied by rapid puffs of warm breath tickling the hairs on the back of his hand.

“Hello, Sweet Thing,” he murmurs, and turns his hand to scratch behind tiny ears.

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