#prowl – @valkeakuulas on Tumblr

Under that Old Apple Tree a Ringwraith sleeps

@valkeakuulas /

Level Up: Over 30 | she/her | NSFW content. A mess of a blog with transformers, LOTR, anime & manga, Star Wars stuff and occasionally fics by yours truly and some other things that amuse me. Roleplay tag is 'valkeakuulas RP'; I advice you to block it, if you don't want to see them.

Welcome to a world of thrilling Wreckers' casino adventures. All new players will receive a generous bonus. My name's Prowl, and I'll be your dealer. What game would you like to play?


Please have the fic titles as well:

1. Doing inventory

2. Sentience for beginners


Okay so, I came up with two completely different fics here xD

Doing inventory This would be something cute. Like, I'd start it your regular inventory but then move onto turning it to a bit sillier inventory, like "okay, where are those 10 pallets of crackers we got during the last shipment? I'm talking to you, trooper, where have they gone? ... What do you mean the soft-shells at Level 78 took them?! They're not allowed to do that without - oh, for kark's sake, I'm just going to comm the sergeant."

Sentience for beginners OK. Seeing this title made me kinda want to go and dust of the box that involves all my TF Fandom Headcanons and Facts and shake it until the bare skeletons of a cross-over plot fell out of it.

You see, Optimus Prime has a line that was printed on the side of the box of the very first G1 Optimus Prime toy package back in the 80s, and it goes

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."

So what would Optimus Prime (and the Autobots) do if faced with an army of clones that are basically an army of slaves and aren't identified as 100% sentient (let's follow that headcanon here for the fic)? Would it be horrify him since meeting the clones would remind hime of the Cybertronians past as the slaves of the Quintessons (if I go and follow the G1 canon here, let's leave the other 'verses alone just for our sanity's sake).

And how would the clones react at meeting giant, transforming "droids" that see themselves as a sentient race with their own culture and history when compared to the semi-sentient droids they fight.

I can see mistakes and insults happening on both sides as two so different (but also similar?) group of beings have to reconsider what they consider as 'sentient'.

... Hang on. I need write a blurb here. So sorry for the grammar mistakes because I know there'll be a lot some.

"So, you're a fancy battle droid?" the trooper asked, and the black and white Autobot caught the barely hidden condescend in the organic's voice. Looking down at the small, armored human, he tried not to judge them from not knowing better but at the same time, the Autobot wasn't about to swallow the unintended(?) insult. "I've lived at least one hundred fifty times longer than your so-called Galactic Republic has existed, of which I've spent most of my life fighting a war that has lasted millions of years. My Prime carries the symbol of our planet-god in his chest that connects him not only to the Afterspark, giving him the access to speak with the Primes of the past, but also gives him the chance to create new life. Yes, I can shoot a blaster, I can transform my limbs into weapons, and I can process and create over a million battle tactics, but I can also create music, write poems, and grow crystals. One of my fellow Autobot's loves to dance, another adores wildlife, and third one finds peace in science." The Autobot knelt down, and the human that stepped back, wary, when they saw the way his expression darkened. "So don't you dare to compare me to those sparkless, pre-programmed pieces of slag, human," the black and white mech hissed, panels shifting and rising as the doorwings on his back flared.

That's Prowl. Prowl somewhat lost his composure there for a moment.


Tactile tit screen

Wheeljack, plz at least let ratchet save the files first before u add an unholy amount of upgrades to the poor mech in the simulation program. (ironically when I was sketching this i got a black out but thanks to the auto-save i didn’t lose much thank lord) OP & Hide have lost their tactile tit screen privileges for breaking them every other day.

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