Our fandom may be small, but we’re feisty! I would like to announce a new event, and one that I hope will excite everyone! The D.Gray-Man Big Bang!
If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a Big Bang, it’s a challenge where writers and artists work together to create new content for the fandom! Writers will have 7 months to create a 10K+ fic, and artists will create 2-4+ fanart for that story.
Participants may create any content they wish! You may create for any ship (or no ship–gen fic is more than welcome!), any genre, and any rating level (Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit).
Writers: Writers must write a minimum word count of 10K.
Artists: Artists must create either 2 full color fanart or 4 black and white/monochrome fanart based on the fic they chose.
Here are some dates for the entire event. (Schedule subject to change)
February 1-15: Writer and artist signups begin/end
March 1: Writer excerpts for claims due
March 10-17: Artist claims begin/end
September 1: Posting starts
If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to ask one of the Mods here on our official tumblr or on the discord for this event: https://discord.gg/GYDXMcX
I hope you will join us!!!