#chronic illness – @usb-stick on Tumblr

and i know that you mean well


but I'm not a vessel for your good intent

sometimes I forget standing up isn’t painful and difficult for most people so I’ll be watching something like game changer and see the people standing behind their podiums the whole episode and think ‘wow don’t they need to sit down. how can they still think coherent thoughts’ and then I’m like oh. yeah. I have a disease


If you're reading this and you find standing in place for 10-15 minutes painful? That's not normal, and you should probably consider getting a cane. We have one and it's made the world of difference.


I mean, POTS is actually quite a common condition (so no, its not weird that a lot of ppl have discovered they have it), so it is not uncommon to have issues standing up for a bit of time, but you should 100% still get that checked up if you can because it can be a sign for a lot of other medical conditions.

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