@uraandri on Tumblr

Svako za sebe, Bog za sve. Za naš vek je dosta.

@uraandri /



@vernadskova and i had a collaborative philosophical discussion on how to exactly translate the concept of svrsishodnost as it lacks any direct translations or similar terms that would be, well, svrsishodni, but in the end comrade sibila and i came to a conclusion:

A way of thinking that takes into account the purpose, the function, the usefulness and the appropriateness of a certain action or an object. To be svrsishodan is to serve a purpose, to have a function and to do it well or well enough. The key is in the subjectively perceived relationship between functionalism and minimalism, balancing them in order to eliminate redundancy, futility, unsuitability. To partake in svrsishodnost is to make do with what one already has; to use what you already have on hand that could perform a desired function, fill a specific purpose satisfactorily enough and to such a degree that it eliminates the need for some other tool that could do a better job but that is now rendered unnecessary given that what you already have works well enough. Svrsishodnost could be understood as minimalism applied in the context of everyday life without creating excess. It’s not about efficiency, it’s about making a judgement about usefulness and necessity required in order to achieve a certain purpose. In a microcosm, it’s about my grandmother’s old coffee grinder that has been sitting in a drawer for years ever since her death because my mother only buys pre-ground coffee, and it’s about the fact that my mother now uses that old coffee grinder in order to grind her pepper. Getting a separate pepper grinder would be much more utilitarian and efficient, but in every day use it is redundant; the old grinder might be harder to clean and it might not do the job perfectly, but it serves its purpose more than well enough in order to be svrsishodan.

Hello, I am Tareq from Gaza. I am trying to save my family from the genocide happening here. I ask for your help in spreading my story and donating any amount, no matter how small. The situation is extremely difficult, and food prices have skyrocketed in Gaza. Please don't forget to share the latest post from my page so that compassionate hearts may see this plea and help spread the story to the world . Thank you.




vučić vučević and vučićević being named like that is funny they sound like three villains from a serbian epic poem that gets used in class as an example of gradation


my favorite moron thing people say is "this looks like a renaissance painting" when what they mean is that the composition has a crowd of people in it. the only renaissance painting they know is the last supper. and they think "renaissance painting" means "has a lot of stuff in it"


"this photo looks like 'classical Art's" yes that's because we have been using the same rules for visual composition in the west for hundreds of years and all professional photographers as well as amateur photographers who have read even one paragraph about composition are fully aware of the rule of thirds, horizon lines, tangents, weighted frames, etc or perhaps someone just took a photo by accident that also conforms to these incredibly well documented design principles. guy who has seen one image before "getting a lot of image vibes from this"


everyone on tumblr is an expert in greek epic and myth when it's time to defend their Reno 911 coffee shop AU by calling the Iliad fanfiction or when the skinny fuckable disney characters in Hades are simply the latest in a timeless tradition of reinterpreting the many guises of the ancient greek gods, but ask if anyone has actually read page one of the odyssey and its ableism classism eurocentrism they didn't teach me that when I was 14 so it's none of my responsibility. DID YOU KNOW you can be anti intellectual and pretentious at the same time


"yank is a slur" it's not but with the power of friendship we can make it into one


put the perverts back into the film industry this shit's getting dire

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