I keep getting followers who are undoubtedly going to have a bad time here, so just a heads up I'm a Christian anarchist who loves capitalism and thinks guns are neato, and if you see me arguing outside of what you might assume my values would be it's either because I can't help myself sometimes when someone is mischaracterizing a concept whether I even agree with the concept or not, or you don't understand my values.
What's Peter Dinklage got to do with it?
That's Jack Dorsey, actually. But I can see how you'd make that mistake.
Huh. That's wild.
What's Peter Dinklage got to do with it?
clark reupload
edit: forgot the sweater comic
Can’t believe you forgot the Connecticut dog!!
Never pass up an opportunity to reblog Connecticut Clark.
This is not Satire
All by design. I swear the California government looks at people with jobs, trying to follow the law as the biggest loser idiots ever.
Oh, you’re trying to do the right thing, you’re paying taxes, you aren’t scamming or stealing anything that isn’t nailed down? You need to be punished.
It's not just California. It's nationwide. I'm going to speak from when I worked in my father's office years ago. He was a surgeon. The days of Bush the first, HMOs and the like started to gain power. Clinton comes along, and with his wife, utterly destroy the way that health care operated in the USA. They gave the HMOs and insurance companies a mandate to do just about whatever the hell they wanted to. Claims were and are denied at will with little basis for denial. They started to dictate to doctors and hospitals what they were going to pay and not a penny more. In response doctors and hospitals inflated their rates to insurance companies in the hope that they might get expenses covered with a small profit. This is where the cash/uninsured discounts started with providers. When I was doing collection calls from insurance, I had times that I was spending at times, several hours over different days to get a measly $10 for an hour long plus office visit that was for post op. It was insane dealing with this. At the end of it all, you were grateful to just get a tiny crunb of what you should have gotten. This is what happens when you let government into places that they have zero business being in
kitty car 🐱
Who would have fucking guessed! RIP to those women and electric chair to him!
Wait, Tate wasn't even involved? At first I thought they were saying Tate broke up with a girlfriend and a fan killed her etc. But this is just "crazy guy who killed his ex and her family also fan of popular celebrity!" Are we fucking kidding right now??
Manufacturing consent to restrict speech. They've already been primed to believe words are violence. Now they're drawing arbitrary lines between violence and media and let people come to the conclusion that such voices need silenced. Start with the shitty ones, the ones it's easy to agree with, then the harder sells become easier when allowing the one could lead to allowing the other. But it's subtle. A thousand pinpricks, all independent of one another, insignificant enough they call you crazy for suspecting it. Hell, maybe you start to feel crazy for noticing.
ngl for lot of my life i thought parents sitting their kids down and telling them how babies are made was just a thing they made up for comedies on tv so now im curious how common it actually is.
The results on this are dissappointing.
How in the hell?
can they pick stocks too ?
yo mr white i think im a bi lesbian bitch
jesse. bi lesbians are problematic jesse. i saw it in a carrd jesse.
yo mr white i think you're spending too much time on twitter bitch
jesse. im gonna need you to dni jesse.
yo mr white i thought you were supportive of all identities bitch
jesse. i am supportive of all identities jesse. i love queer people jesse. i just dont understand bi lesbians jesse
yo mr white i think you're being an exclustionist right now bitch
jesse. my twitter moot says bi lesbians dni. jesse that means you're identitty isnt valid jesse
yo mr white. saying you support all queer labels and identities while also setting specific labels aside that you deem problematic isn't supportive whatsoever and all that you're doing is allying yourself with conservatives bitch
Are you two gonna cook the fucking meth or what