ungoliantschilde reblogged
the Devourer and the Herald, by Jimbo Salgado.
@ungoliantschilde / ungoliantschilde.tumblr.com
the Devourer and the Herald, by Jimbo Salgado.
if Jimbo Salgado is not on your commission wish-list, he probably should be.
*more @ this http://jimbo02salgado.deviantart.com link*
the 2012 Annuals for 'the Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye' and 'the Transformers: Robots in Disguise' had interlocking variant covers penciled by Jimbo Salgado.
Wolverine by Jimbo Salgado *
Superheroes by Jimbo Salgado
I just had a fun time looking through Jimbo Salgado's site. http://jimbo02salgado.deviantart.com This guy rocks.