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@ungoliantschilde /

My name is John and I am into Comics, Movies, Artwork, Painting, Rock'n'Roll and Music in General and Pop-Culture in particular. I enjoy polite discussions and requests!


Read all of it.

I don’t want to donate my copies of the Sandman omnibus. I don’t want them in my house.

And Amanda Palmer fucking helped him do it.

I have never felt such a profound and immediate “ick”.

The Warren Ellis stuff was sadly predictable, and kind of an open secret.

But wow. I own all three Sandman Omnibuses. They were one of my first purchases when I started rebuilding my library. I don’t want someone to read them, love them, and then find out how this feels. Fuck.


they don't even use the metal anymore

You’re absolutely 1,000% correct and there are absolutely no holes that can be shot in this argument at all. To prove it, I recommend you take all your paper money tokens and all your metal that has a made up value and just give it away.

I also suggest investing HEAVILY in those animated token gorilla things. History is on your side. And you’re completely right about all of this. Surely.

The combined wisdom of more than 5000 years that lead us to the current financial status quo is probably just wrong and made up by Boomers.

But you. YOU cracked the code. Bravo.

10% of the world population is starving but hold on im the only rational person on this planet and i have to defend the status quo it's my god given mission

Swing and a miss, numb-nuts.

Never said the status quo is perfect. Never said some people are not doing well. But go ahead and argue the points you want me to have been making.

Go ahead and regale me with your ideas for how me emptying my bank account for your ideology is the moral choice. I’ll be saving 10% of the starving population for starters - right?

You first. The world needs another Saint Francis. Give away your money to the starving children, give your phone to a homeless person, and live in sack cloth on the street, begging for the starving. Do that, and I will help any way I can. But you won’t.

You don’t want to change the status quo for the world. You want to posture and make yourself feel good by arguing for it online.

And when you strip away all of the rhetoric, you’re arguing for wealth redistribution and for people that are more successful than you to give you money, and I do not blame you.

Shit sucks, and it’s hard. But we have thousands of years of data that says you are wrong about how to fix things.

So, no, digital currency only is not a good idea. The only people in history who have ever thought it was a good idea are the people who want to control all the world’s money, and people who have only ever lived in a digital society and have no idea how to function without the internet.

no, you just suck at structuring an argument, and stay projecting on tumblr dot com. oh wait why am i talking to you like a human being? i should just make an ironic response that makes a deflection shield upon activated. you wanted to make op's post to be the dumb wojak while you're the chad big brain that doesn't have to explain, just make everyone look smaller than you repeatedly until they shut up. isnt that right, numb nuts?

im sure your bank account is being shared by hundreds of thousands of leftists who are SALIVATING at your end of life savings, but please, some of us have real problems

Beep boop bop. I am SARCASTIBOT 5g, your response has been detected as (dial up internet noise)… not good.

You’re probably right. It’s me that sucks at structuring an argument.

Except you didn’t refute any of my points. Not one. I mean, I must have made some pretty good points for to have absolutely no response to any of it.

Because I hit every talking point you can regurgitate on this issue before you had a chance to do so.

You didn’t discuss wealth redistribution - which is the backbone of the digital currency only issue - and you did not even question my political stance. I don’t have many leftist friends, but I guarantee you I’ve given more to charity and to helping the homeless than you have.

You went on the offense and tried to pick apart my initial response.

And then you ended with bitching and moaning about your problems.

I don’t give a fuck about your problems. No one does. Stand up and fix them yourself, and stop advocating on my feed for other people to fix them for you.


Incredible Science Fiction, Vol. 1 # 33 by Wally Wood.

If non-fans ask about Wally Wood, I mention this cover and the Daredevil costume design. They’re like everything you need to know about the genius of Wally Wood.

This cover is his iconic image. Think of silver age Marvel covers. Lemme guess: Amazing Fantasy 15 and Fantastic Four # 1…. MAYBE the Iron Man suiting up cover.

OK, now think of ‘50s comics. It’s this one. This is the iconic jet-age/space-race era comic book cover. Or a variation on this one.

As for Daredevil and his design sense, an idiot will tell you that an all red costume with interlocking D’s is an easy design. How many characters have costumes that are one solid color, and are instantly iconic? How many characters can be recognized by a silhouette alone? Not as many as you’d think. It’s iconic, it’s easy to replicate for multiple artists, and it’s basically an open template for figure drawing. And no other character can pull off one solid color head to toe as their costume.

that’s Wally Wood for you.


Daredevil, Vol. 1 # 07, by Wally Wood, with Letters by Artie Simek, and a Script by Stan Lee.


Has talent ever taken short cuts the way Wood did, trusting in his inking skills to make up for everything?

I still see his as a fucking sad life and so far nothing's changed my opinion.

Some of the most gorgeous ink-work I’ve ever seen came from Wally Wood’s right hand.

But yeah, that guy was not a happy camper. Lifelong chronic migraines, 3 divorces (in the 1960s-1970s, when one was a rarity), alcoholism-related kidney failure, and ultimately suicide by gunshot. Sad, sad personal life.


“The Battle of Muspelheim. Pencils. 61.5 x 40. 2024”, by Walt Simonson.

Inks “basically done” - he still has to sign it, and do some touch up stuff.

“The Big Drawing with more or less finished inks. Microns, Tombow'Fudenosuke Brush Pens hard tip/soft tip, Tombow ABT N15 Brush Pen, Pentel Fine Point Correction Pens, Pentel P209 drafting pencils, Strathmore 400 2 ply Bristol drawing paper. 61.5 x 41.75. 2025.

The main part of the inking is complete. I've erased the entire drawing as well, in a series of separate efforts so my arm wouldn't fall off. ;-) I haven't signed it yet as I want to look it over with a little space between me and the finish in case I decide to tweak anything. But for all practical purposes, the drawing is done.

I began it in 2022. I don't recall the month but I started gathering materials for it probably in the early spring. I didn't work on it consistently, and we moved in the middle of everything so there were months when I didn't touch it. However, the last few months, I decided I needed to get it done, and pretty much gave up doing any other jobs until this one was finished.

Characters from left to right - nine Valkyries (including the Marvel version), Odin, Hildegarde, Heimdall, Tyr, Fandral the Dashing, Volstagg the Enormous, Skurge the Executioner, Balder the Brave, Karnilla the Norn Queen, Hogun the Grim, Amora the Enchantress, Thor, Surtur, Loki, Fenris Wolf, Beta Ray Bill, and Sif. Scattered throughout the drawing along the bottom and left side are various anonymous fire demons, part of Surtur’s army. The entire scene is occurring the Muspelheim, the Land of Fire and home of Surtur. All the named characters appear in the Marvel Comics universe and some of them originate in the actual Norse mythology. This particular scene is my own invention and does not occur in the myths.

Yay me!!”

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