not sure what happened but i have live snoozed and it used to prevent it from showing up in the bottom navigation bar on mobile (ios)
but it has since stopped doing that so now even with live snoozed it’s still there, and i would like it to Not Be
it’s not on my dash at least but i don’t want it on the navigation bar either
Answer: Hey, @jellyfishdotorg!
As you might have noticed, there have been some updates to how snoozing Tumblr Live works. Snoozing will continue to hide Live from your dashboard, but the navigation icon will remain in your navigation bar.
This means you’ll be able to watch anyone you follow go Live without having to unsnooze the whole thing! Additionally, we’ve increased the snooze period from 7 to 30 days.
Thanks for your feedback, and to the others who have gotten in touch with similar queries today. We hope this helps clarify things.
Have a good week folks!
—The Tumblr WIP Team