When Obama took office, Beck promoted ad nauseum the idea that his administration was an unprecedented threat to America. He claimed Americorps would become Obama’s version of Hitler’s SS. He said Obama was not a Muslim, then insinuated that maybe he was: “Are they sending messages?” He joked about poisoning Nancy Pelosi and, earlier in his career, about choking Michael Moore to death. He led his audiences to believe that a total collapse of the US was likely and they should buy gold.
But ever since Beck struck out to build a media empire centered around his website and TV content, The Blaze, he’s been moderating his tone and claiming to regret his past excesses. In 2014, Beck told Megyn Kelly, “I wish I could go back and be more uniting in my language. Because I think I played a role unfortunately in helping tear the country apart. And it’s not who we are. I didn’t realize how really fragile the people were. I thought we were kind of a little more in it together.”
Beck’s attempt to build his own media empire, and his declaration in 2015 that he’d left the Republican Party, means he was far less influential by the time Trump rose to power. But many of the ideas Trump’s fans hold dear, including that the election is the “last chance” to save America, echo Beck’s apocalyptic language. Beck says he’s horrified by Trump. If so, he’s appalled at something he helped create.
Glenn Beck regrets “freaking out about Barack Obama” 'i'm sorry i destroyed the country in all the ways i accused obama of doing, pls buy my new book tho' well at least we know the putative trump media conglomerate will crash and burn like glenn beck good fucking riddance you heartless bedsore