Spin the Wheel...
Welcome, subject, to the WonderDome…
You are one of a select group chosen for our revolutionary new experiment, a massive undertaking in a state-of-the-art facility! Isn’t that exciting?
What’s that…? You want to know why you were chosen? Well, naturally we selected only the best test subjects for our work. A unique pool of candidates, pulled from the student body of the most prestigious school in the world! Anyway, you really don’t have anything to worry about. After all, you have wonderful odds of making it out alive!
In one piece, though… that’s a different matter.
[Dangan Suffering is a DR OC RP Group inspired by The Suffering Game arc in The Adventure Zone. 16-18 Hope’s Peak University Students are trapped in the WonderDome, exact location unknown, and must play a horrifying game of death and torment to have any hope of escape…]