I'm going to cry!!! I'm so happy we are getting a cast album. The show ended over a month ago and yet every day I talk about it or listen/watch what's available. It's such an amazing show that leaves an impact on everyone. I really hope the parties involved with this know that they have a special show and I hope we get what we're waiting for in the near future!
I am so so so excited for the cast recording. But you guys have to promise me this: Buy it. Don’t download it for free, don’t trade it around or gift it out on tumblr. It has a better chance of being noticed by the people who get a say in whether or not it goes to Broadway if the album does well. Good sales will show a promise. If one person buys it and gifts it to their friends, who gift it to their friends, and so on, sales will be poor and producers and directors won’t want to put it on Broadway if it doesn’t appear to be selling.