How DARE Tumblr force me to look at this with my own two face eyes
Tumblr has this horrible witch-hunt mentality where if you say something even remotely wrong without realizing it, they'll come after you as if you are the anti-Christ or you committed actual murder. They send death threats and tell people to kill themselves. And they fail to realize that this is not a way of teaching someone. They fail to realize that there are 13 year olds on this site who are still learning, and that this is a way to make people afraid to say anything. Because you're not educating, you're attacking. This is extremely toxic and I am shaming every single one of you.
Me: *has an opinion that literally harms no one* Tumblr: YOU ARE FUCKING SCUM AND YOU SHOULDN'T BE ALIVE RIGHT UWU WHY DON'T YOU GO FUCKING DIE Me: :) :) :)
Damn it, I thought we had moved past this
We all complain about this shitty site and yet we stay
Wait I went off Tumblr for once what happened with the notes
I find it really sad that there are people who actually have blog dedicated to harassing feminists and those who advocate for social justice. Like, you honestly don’t have anything better to do? You could log off, close your computer, walk outside, maybe even get a life.
Mom, I don’t need the sex talk. Trust me, I read fan fiction.
Okay new plan:
Next time someone asks you, “Have you lost weight?” just reply with “Why did I need to?”
Watch as they try to cover up their blatant fat-shaming
Tumblr is a terrible soul sucking website don't do it save yourself
there’s a side chick
and then there’s a side blog
Hey, if any of those who like to send me hate via anon are reading this: Keep my girlfriend, the-uterus, out of this. It's stressing her the hell out. I don't know what you think gives you the right to send your anon hate to me via her inbox, but if you have a problem, face me. Off anon. You fucking cowards.
I can see this April Fool’s tumblr update causing a lot of people anxiety. Good job, staff. This is like, the one place people go to get away from this shit. The top hats last year were at least subtle.