I'm bored. Give me a URL or something and I'll give my opinion of their blog.
I’m feeling bored today and want to do blog rates/promos.
Send me a message asking for a blog rate (be sure to include what kind of blog you are) and I’ll give a personalized rating!
You’ll be promo’d to 14k+ followers!
I’m making a blog reviews page! So please send me (either on anon or not) what you think of my blog! It can be silly or serious! Please?
I can’t stand it when people outright REFUSE to tag triggers, especially after being asked.
“It’s my blog! Not theirs!”
That’s true, but no one will visit your house if you have trash everywhere either so...
there’s a side chick
and then there’s a side blog
This is an article I wrote on my website, Equality Advocation, about what it's like to date a transgender person (in my case, a transgender woman), and the things that happen when dating such a person. This has been approved my girlfriend for publishing, and even she very much appreciated it.
Sooooo do you think the-uterus and I are cute? Yes, I'm talking to you! Well, our URLs did the frickle frackle and it had a baby! Yes, we co-run a blog now of just whatever we feel like doing, but a couple blog. AWWW YEAH.
Follow for cuteness and relationship news and us being adorable.
What would people think if Mitch and I started to co-run a blog together? Like, a couple's blog?
I know, this is a huge step in our relationship, but I think it could be cute.
I wrote a blog post about being paleo and answering questions that were asked. Please follow my blogspot account for recipes and other posts!
I'm in a good mood today, so I'll be doing blog rates all day!
Here's the requirements:
Don't just follow and unfollow right after.
Liars will be blocked.
You'll be promoted to everyone on my dash. :)
Everyone who reblogs this is gonna get disappointed because I ain't sending you shit
I'm 30 followers away from 300
I'm thinking of doing a special Spartan celebration
I don't even know