Zachary R. Wood | You Shouldn’t Have to Take an African-American Studies Course to Read African-American Authors (via america-wakiewakie)
This is a really stupid way to look at things. You are discounting and censored people for their race while claiming that you are being discounted and censored for your race. Why are most of the people discussed in history and philosophy classes white males? You ask. ( though I personally don't feel it matters, I will explain is even tell you how to solve this.) Because most of the people that built society and challenged our philosophical views were white and male! This doesn’t mean that women and minorities had nothing to do with it, they did great things too! Read your history book they are mentioned! There were simply different circumstances for women and minorities during those times and they had to do more to be taken seriously. If you want more women and minorities to be mentioned in history and philosophy classes, go out and make a positive change for society! Stop whining about race and sex online and go and do something to help other people or even just achieve something for yourself! You’ll be much happier in your life anyway, even if you don’t get mentioned in history book or a philosophy class. But if that’s what you want, go and make a real difference, going challenge people’s view of the world and help them make a positive change instead of whining and trying to get special treatment or censorship for things you don’t like. Go do something great!