#police state – @typical-atheist-scumbag on Tumblr

Wheels' Trashfire

@typical-atheist-scumbag /

Most people call me "Wheels." We're living in the circus George Carlin was talking about.
Anonymous asked:

You have white privilege. Given your account of your life you have white privilege because you are ALIVE and not ACTUALLY MURDERED BY THE POLICE. Your individual experience of life doesn’t negate the fact that every system in the world prefers you and your White Skin and given the fact that you are White it’s no god damn surprise you have no idea what you’re talking about

I was going to tell the whole story about how I (a disabled person) ended up getting abducted while trying to escape abusers. Then having to convince a guy with a knife and quickly escalating behavior he'd be better off calling the police. I was going to talk about how despite my situation putting me in grave danger before that, no one cares and they typically take the side of my abusers. This wasn't even the first time I had to think my way out of a potentially life threatening situation.

No has ever helped me because I was white. I've never gotten preferential treatment in any way. You don't know that those cops would have treated me any better or worse due to my race. I was treated like property, police and social services took the side of my abusers and it was even implied by social services that I may not have full mental capacity despite therapists and others believing the opposite. Right now I'm going working on dealing with legal stuff to make sure no one can argue that I need a guardian or anyone else to control me because guess what? I'm still in the situation I was trying to escape from when all of this happened almost a year ago. Oh and the guy who assaulted me, abducted me, and did all this crazy shit? He's still out there with no charges or anything and even harassed me for a few months afterwards. I didn't even get to choose whether I wanted to pursue "justice".I faced all the punishment, he faced none. Tell me what about that says privilege. How is the way those police treated me by totally dismissing me when I desperately tried to explain that I was in this situation because I was fearing for my life at home and am now fearing for my life here any better? They treated me like I had no mental capacity at all, and stripped me of agency. I've spent almost a year living with that and it's rare to have a day go by where I don't wish I didn't live at all. By the way, this wasn't my last bad experience with police, but that's another story for another day.

Again I ask you, where is my privilege? You don't know much about my life at all. You don't know how much racism I've actually experienced.

The only racist here is YOU!! You have so much vitriol and hatred for white people that all you have to say when someone of that color shares a hardship is "LOL, fuck you Whitey! You've never really suffered!!" Especially when that hardship goes against your racist narrative!

I hope someday you look back and realize just how disgusting and hateful you're being right now. This is textbook racism and I'm getting pretty tired of dealing with it. I have no words for how awful this message is. Please stay out my inbox.


This is what the liberal elites really do believe.


She used a lot of words just to say “fuck poor people”


What a clueless bitch.


What the fuck?

The Noble Savage fallacy has now evolved from race-based to class-based. Welcome to the new age of paternalism.

Don’t most criminals in poor areas target other poor people? Carl Crackhead isn’t exactly going to be doing a detailed financial audit before he climbs in your window at 3 AM.

I wonder if she still holds this opinion with the ongoing riots?

“Poor people don’t deserve the right to defend what little they have. Wait what do mean they also want to defend their lives? Impossible”

I love how she - and other grabbers - think the only people who might need guns to protect themselves live in a ‘war zone’. It just smacks of someone who’s never been at serious risk of assault.

Not to mention people who need to hunt to live.

Wait, does she think all the ‘poor people’ live in cities where they can just go to the grocery store?

But wait, libs are supposed to care about the poor, aren't they?

And do they really expect every home invasion victim or similar to have time to wait for police? Who's to say the police will even be helpful? I get more pro gun as time goes on. One of the many reasons I am so pro gun is because I know from first hand experience that police can be really useless when you're in danger sometimes! I don't know about you, but as disabled, low income American, I don't want to have to depend on others (especially not cops!!) to rescue me if something else happens! It's not all about rednecks hunting or scaring their daughters boyfriends, for me it would be peace of knowing tnat maybe next time something happens, I might not have to sit terrified for what feels like hours waiting for cops that might not even take my safety seriously! These aren't absurd hypotheticals used to justify my arguments, some of this draws from my actual experience and some from stories from others I've heard.

It really blows my mind that there are so many people who claim to care about poor people and acknowledge the many problems there are with our police, while also telling us we aren't worth enough to have the right to protect ourselves.

Btw, gun control people, hope you're not the same ones protesting police because them and the military will be the only ones with guns if you get your way.


Wait, so we had SYSTEMIC RACISM in government during Obama/Biden’s 8 years and they did NOTHING? During his first two years, Obama held super majorities in Congress and did NOTHING? They controlled Federal Judgeships and did NOTHING? Why was systemic racism NOT ended by Obama?


Or when a Minneapolis cop shot this woman as she peaceably tried to make a police report:

Maybe the problem isn’t anti-black “systemic racism” …

… maybe it’s just that Democrat controlled (for decades) Minneapolis is a violent hell hole for everybody.

Obama didn’t call any of it systemic racism and he was fine with it just like the Clinton’s who armed and expanded the policeforce and aggressive policing policy

I'm gonna get shit for this, but I don't see police brutality as a racial issue. I see it as "US police are far too militarized, have too much powerand they know they can get away with shit" issue .

I also strongly believe that mainstream and many popular media outlets like to push division and keep average joes and janes at each other's throats. I think that's why we almost never hear about white police brutality victims! It's not because police are always racist or the media only cares about black people, its textbook divide and conquer!Race isn't the only thing they use to divide us all, but it's probably the most effective. I think the government and their mouthpieces may even be trying to incite another civil war and tear everything apart!!

We cannot let this happen!!

Now more than ever, we need to unite and stand against them, its not about black or white, it's about citizens and corrupt powers who want absolute control!! I don't care what color you are, the future they want to create is not going to be good for you!

You don't have to believe me or agree with everything I said, but I'd be more than happy to provide souces and information. No matter what, I'd like foster productive discussion.


Black Lives Matter is held to such a ridiculously high standard. If anyone who is REMOTELY associated with BLM commits an act of violence, white people use it as an excuse to smear the name of the entire movement.

Cops can murder unarmed Black people and many white folks still jump to defend the police force.

This is racism. This is white supremacy culture.

The government is intentionally provoking the protests because they know how effective the “but their breaking things” smear is on americans.

I don't think a lot of white people realize how many of the cops they're defending would be just as quick to beat on or kill them if given the opportunity. The police force is full of psychopaths and blue lives Matter is full of bootlickers! Although I don't think bootlicking is an exclusively white people thing, nor do I think you have to support BLM to be against police brutality. I'm not a BLM supporter myself, but I am very outspoken about the problems with police here in the US. I have some problems with some things BLM believes but I'm glad some of them are out there trying to address some of the issues with police brutality.

Also, many Americans don't seem to realize how much the American government likes to infiltrate and destroy groups. Especially those speaking up for civil rights or against corruption. Wonder where they think those bricks are coming from. 🤔


Because of the Fifth Amendment, no one in the U.S. may legally be forced to testify against himself, and because of the Fourth Amendment, no one’s records or belongings may legally be searched or seized without just cause. However, American police are trained to use methods of deception, intimidation and manipulation to circumvent these restrictions. In other words, cops routinely break the law—in letter and in spirit—in the name of enforcing the law. Several examples of this are widely known, if not widely understood.

1) “Do you know why I stopped you?” Cops ask this, not because they want to have a friendly chat, but because they want you to incriminate yourself. They are hoping you will “voluntarily” confess to having broken the law, whether it was something they had already noticed or not. You may think you are apologizing, or explaining, or even making excuses, but from the cop’s perspective, you are confessing. He is not there to serve you; he is there fishing for an excuse to fine or arrest you. In asking you the familiar question, he is essentially asking you what crime you just committed. And he will do this without giving you any “Miranda” warning, in an effort to trick you into testifying against yourself.

2) “Do you have something to hide?” Police often talk as if you need a good reason for not answering whatever questions they ask, or for not consenting to a warrantless search of your person, your car, or even your home. The ridiculous implication is that if you haven’t committed a crime, you should be happy to be subjected to random interrogations and searches. This turns the concept of due process on its head, as the cop tries to put the burden on you to prove your innocence, while implying that your failure to “cooperate” with random harassment must be evidence of guilt.

3) “Cooperating will make things easier on you.” The logical converse of this statement implies that refusing to answer questions and refusing to consent to a search will make things more difficult for you. In other words, you will be punished if you exercise your rights. Of course, if they coerce you into giving them a reason to fine or arrest you, they will claim that you “voluntarily” answered questions and “consented” to a search, and will pretend there was no veiled threat of what they might do to you if you did not willingly “cooperate.” (Such tactics are also used by prosecutors and judges via the procedure of “plea-bargaining,” whereby someone accused of a crime is essentially told that if he confesses guilt—thus relieving the government of having to present evidence or prove anything—then his suffering will be reduced. In fact, “plea bargaining” is illegal in many countries precisely because it basically constitutes coerced confessions.)

4) “We’ll just get a warrant.” Cops may try to persuade you to “consent” to a search by claiming that they could easily just go get a warrant if you don’t consent. This is just another ploy to intimidate people into surrendering their rights, with the implication again being that whoever inconveniences the police by requiring them to go through the process of getting a warrant will receive worse treatment than one who “cooperates.” But by definition, one who is threatened or intimidated into “consenting” has not truly consented to anything.

5.) We have someone who will testify against you Police “informants” are often individuals whose own legal troubles have put them in a position where they can be used by the police to circumvent and undermine the constitutional rights of others. For example, once the police have something to hold over one individual, they can then bully that individual into giving false, anonymous testimony which can be used to obtain search warrants to use against others. Even if the informant gets caught lying, the police can say they didn’t know, making this tactic cowardly and illegal, but also very effective at getting around constitutional restrictions.

6) “We can hold you for 72 hours without charging you.” Based only on claimed suspicion, even without enough evidence or other probable cause to charge you with a crime, the police can kidnap you—or threaten to kidnap you—and use that to persuade you to confess to some relatively minor offense. Using this tactic, which borders on being torture, police can obtain confessions they know to be false, from people whose only concern, then and there, is to be released.

7) “I’m going to search you for my own safety.” Using so-called “Terry frisks” (named after the Supreme Court case of Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1), police can carry out certain limited searches, without any warrant or probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, under the guise of checking for weapons. By simply asserting that someone might have a weapon, police can disregard and circumvent the Fourth Amendment prohibition on unreasonable searches.

U.S. courts have gone back and forth in deciding how often, and in what circumstances, tactics like those mentioned above are acceptable. And of course, police continually go far beyond anything the courts have declared to be “legal” anyway. But aside from nitpicking legal technicalities, both coerced confessions and unreasonable searches are still unconstitutional, and therefore “illegal,” regardless of the rationale or excuses used to try to justify them. Yet, all too often, cops show that to them, the Fourth and Fifth Amendments—and any other restrictions on their power—are simply technical inconveniences for them to try to get around. In other words, they will break the law whenever they can get away with it if it serves their own agenda and power, and they will ironically insist that they need to do that in order to catch “law-breakers” (the kind who don’t wear badges).

Of course, if the above tactics fail, police can simply bully people into confessing—falsely or truthfully—and/or carry out unconstitutional searches, knowing that the likelihood of cops having to face any punishment for doing so is extremely low. Usually all that happens, even when a search was unquestionably and obviously illegal, or when a confession was clearly coerced, is that any evidence obtained from the illegal search or forced confession is excluded from being allowed at trial. Of course, if there is no trial—either because the person plea-bargains or because there was no evidence and no crime—the “exclusionary rule” creates no deterrent at all. The police can, and do, routinely break the law and violate individual rights, knowing that there will be no adverse repercussions for them having done so.

Likewise, the police can lie under oath, plant evidence, falsely charge people with “resisting arrest” or “assaulting an officer,” and commit other blatantly illegal acts, knowing full well that their fellow gang members—officers, prosecutors and judges—will almost never hold them accountable for their crimes. Even much of the general public still presumes innocence when it comes to cops accused of wrong-doing, while presuming guilt when the cops accuse someone else of wrong-doing. But this is gradually changing, as the amount of video evidence showing the true nature of the “Street Gang in Blue” becomes too much even for many police-apologists to ignore.

One of the biggest realizations with dealing with cops for me was the fact that they CAN lie, they are 100% legally entitled to lie, and they WILL whether you’re a victim of crime, accused of committing a crime or anything else



This blog respects and supports the police.

I support the good officers. The ones I know exist.

More than I support not having cops period anyway.

But I also recognize that there are a LOT of bad cops. And that police institutions need serious reform and need to stop being treated like a business.

For me, it gets harder and harder to support police officers after seeing incident after incident of cops abusing their power and hurting innocent people.

Police officers shouldn’t invoke fear in anyone who hasn’t committed a crime. And it’s sad that that isn’t the case.


Self-defense? He’s 6 years old ffs…I can’t

More infuriating info:

The boy is autistic

The boy and his father were in a truck

The father stopped the vehicle and raised his arms to show he was unarmed


They are trying to claim self defense AND claim they didn’t know there was a child in the truck

They fired “no less than 18 rounds” into the truck

The father was hit but still alive. The boy ended up being shot in the head multiple times.

There is bodycam footage of the incident and every official/lawyer that has seen and spoken on it has called it horrific.

50% of all police violence victims are autistic or mentally ill. If an autistic person starts screaming or can’t look a cop in the eyes, they use that as an excuse to shoot. I hope Black Lives Matter starts talking about that, too.

Police violence hurts the mentally ill a lot and of course that also means black autistic / mentally ill kids are getting hurt and killed. Ableism is deadly.

I agree with the sentiments above, I just want to give an update here since Tumblr doesn’t do timestamps. The shooting was in 2015.

Not enough but at least there was some semblance of justice done. Fucking hell.


Defense attorney co sign.

You make your attorneys job harder when you speak to the cops.

So, credit where due, this is a screen grab from the Twitter account @BeattyLaw, an actual defense attorney, so it’s doubly attorney-endorsed.

He also has a few more (I will not speak for @yourbigsisnissi and can’t say whether she also endorses these:

I don’t know this guy, I just follow him on Twitter, but I’ll encourage you, if you’re on Twitter, maybe go and hit that retweet on these too - folks there need this advice as much as we do here.

Please inform more people of this.

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