Introducing Randy's father, Hrothgar. Much to Randy's embarrassment, Hrothgar is an anti-hero called "Nordic Lightning" (formerly Black Lightning), and strives to put a stop to Professor Blackheart's schemes with his medieval longsword, dirty fighting, an analytical mind and a biting wit. Unlike Dark McPlaidshirt, Nordic Lightning works under the radar and doesn't seek glory or fame, nor is he out to impress anyone or pull any punches. Professor Blackheart, in fact, doesn't know he exists, despite all the damage he does to his underlings and his plans. He's also a master of the insult, not unlike Groucho Marx. Hrothgar is named after a character in the Old English epic poem Beowulf, a Danish warrior king. Like the heroes of old, Hrothgar is brave and unapologetic, and isn't clean-shaven in any way. (note: at one point he was named “Black Lightning”, when I wasn’t aware that there was already a DC superhero with that name.)
Meleva here is Randy's mother. She assists Hrothgar with his crime-fighting by doing some investigating of her own on the side.
Meleva is warm and comforting to those she loves, and aloof and mysterious to everyone else. She's generally soft-spoken, graceful, and a little exotic, having Mexican ancestry. She also works at a thrift store, where many a plot device can be found. Her name comes from the gypsy woman character in Universal's The Wolf Man (1941 version). It seems to be an extremely rare name- very few people came up when I Googled it.