Inspired by 16-bit seafaring video games like High Seas Havoc and Claw, and to a lesser extent animal-mascot games like Punky Skunk and the Sparkster series, Álvaro of the Sea is a concept of mine for a game I want to make eventually.
Inversely, I’m only in the mood for pirates and seafaring adventure in the summer.
More Randy! Plus the high-ranking henchman Count, a comical pseudo-vampire with supernatural creatures at his command.
Randy the rat, star of still-in-conceptual-stage cartoon series The Adventures of an Evil Minion.
Randy works for the evil Professor Blackheart, and he doesn’t like it. In fact, it outright scares him silly, ‘cause he’s a big softie. So what does he do? He spoils the plans of his evil boss… in secret.
Guys this is my artwork isn't it cool?
More Randy! Plus the high-ranking henchman Count, a comical pseudo-vampire with supernatural creatures at his command.
Randy the rat, star of still-in-conceptual-stage cartoon series The Adventures of an Evil Minion.
Randy works for the evil Professor Blackheart, and he doesn't like it. In fact, it outright scares him silly, 'cause he's a big softie. So what does he do? He spoils the plans of his evil boss... in secret.