idk i'm tired lol
*kicks door down*
I got it: Mildenhall hunted down a fae and took its head as a trophy and this action cursed the kingdom and that’s why things are so bad for everyone and why fae keep popping up, to investigate.
Now, is this the angel or is this Kaufmo? I think you mentioned in an earlier post that Kaufmo is a fae who disappeared.
(For fun I guess you could smush them together.)
But, yeah! Kill one fae and you have an entire court buzzing.
Hmmm… the idea of Kaufmo’s form changing after losing his head though.
Boom, you get the angel.
Rumor has it he’s still looking for his head…
But yeah, soon after that incident, the weather changed, crops died, cattle sickened, nobody sang or danced and everything was gloomy. It’s like what happened to the kingdom in Mirror, Mirror when the evil queen took over.
So naturally the nearest fae population went “HMMM…”
Jax, making conversation while spinning: "So, by the way, did you notice any...changes in the government?"
Pomni: "You mean things becoming a mess when I was ten?"
Jax: "Exactly!"
Pomni: "I don't know. I just noticed that things were becoming weird. There wasn't any bird song and we couldn't really afford much anymore. One year, the plague swept through, and nobody could..." *tears bead up* "Nobody could find the herbs we use..." *sniffle* "It happened fast. At least that was the relief."
Jax: *putting pieces together*
And Jax thinks, lissen. Some fae get bored and hop off to places unknown. He's certainly done it, and then come back like he never left. It's not entirely. Fully. Unreasonable that Kaufmo could've done the same.
But a fae disappears and there's no trace of their magic that permeates the air where they used to be, and the land they hung out in gets cursed this bad?
Even Jax, Mister "I'm Good With Whatever As Long As I See Funny Things Happen To People," gets suspicious and considers fae-level punishment.
(And then Jax bursts into Ragatha's room after Pomni falls asleep like: "Rags, we're gonna dethrone a guy~!")
cosmo, wanda, i want you to spawn a piece of radioactive plutonium in that person's stomach
cosmo. wanda. enough with the semantics
sun dried fucking tomatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
File that under "posts you just don't see elsewhere"
*kicks door down*
I got it: Mildenhall hunted down a fae and took its head as a trophy and this action cursed the kingdom and that’s why things are so bad for everyone and why fae keep popping up, to investigate.
Now, is this the angel or is this Kaufmo? I think you mentioned in an earlier post that Kaufmo is a fae who disappeared.
(For fun I guess you could smush them together.)
But, yeah! Kill one fae and you have an entire court buzzing.
Hmmm… the idea of Kaufmo’s form changing after losing his head though.
Boom, you get the angel.
Rumor has it he’s still looking for his head…
But yeah, soon after that incident, the weather changed, crops died, cattle sickened, nobody sang or danced and everything was gloomy. It’s like what happened to the kingdom in Mirror, Mirror when the evil queen took over.
So naturally the nearest fae population went “HMMM…”
Hopping on the Vine compilation bandwagon, part 1/?
Oh god, I lost it at the Tim Hortons one.
I never saw the cheating test questions sequel before now and it did not disappoint.
It was a simpler time
This comp is a perfect mix of classics and hilarious ones that somehow I’ve never seen before
*kicks door down*
I got it: Mildenhall hunted down a fae and took its head as a trophy and this action cursed the kingdom and that’s why things are so bad for everyone and why fae keep popping up, to investigate.
love the term fuckass. like this thing is so absurd and annoying it is kind of buttsex
Pomni in her festival dress in the Rumpelstiltskin AU
tumblr fandom bloggers react to marijuana the way that united states police officers react to the presence of fentanyl
So what happens to Mildenhall in the Rumpelstiltskin AU?
Caine takes him to a little place where all wicked monarchs in fairy tales go when they disappear from stories. It’s perfectly fine. Don’t worry about it. :)
“From whence you came” is a classic place to send back a foul beast
"hows the job search going"
OP: baby golden snub-nosed monkey (jinsihou金丝猴, the prototype of sun wukong) stunned by touching human hand for the first time (photo by 一颗小Luna)