my biggest treasure (by laura zalenga)
Source: Flickr / laurazalenga
@twelfthmoon-blog /
my biggest treasure (by laura zalenga)
Summer 2O1O - Explored (by )
Day 176/365 - A Perfect Circle (by Tiagø Ribeiro)
I see you (SPT 25.3.10) (by the wee pixie)
tighter crop ? (by phitar)
The I Color (by Mareen Fischinger)
End of the Day (by Capt. Mouffette)
eyes that do not open (by Andrea Ilin)
L'oeil du tigre (by flow.)
Young fox (by crowlem)
The Eyes of Animals by Suren Manvelyan
Suren, who has a Phd in Theoretical Physics with a specialization in Quantum Chaos, moonlights as a photographer of the vast, topographical landscapes of eyes. Check out his website to peer into the eyes of many, many more eyes. It’s Highlights time, can you match each eye to their animal?
(via: My Modern Met)