How many of you are older than 23? I turned 23 in 2020. It feels like a lifetime ago. What would it have been like if, amidst all the chaos of the initial emergence of COVID, I also had to deal with my home being destroyed? With a shrapnel injury? I've barely been holding together, honestly, but I shudder to imagine where I would be if I didn't live in a safe place, if I didn't have a home at all.
How many of you are younger than 23? Imagine if that was your future- a destroyed home and a shrapnel injury. Imagine if your only hope for a future, to get medical treatment, was to leave everything you loved. That would be a future more terrifying than you can imagine.
Someone named Fadel asked me to share his story. I would like you to donate to his GoFundMe and share this post.