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This entire blog belongs to Tucker

@tumblintuck /

Tucker - 28 - white - enby, any~ pronouns/ Icon drawn by moomin-mommy

How many of you are older than 23? I turned 23 in 2020. It feels like a lifetime ago. What would it have been like if, amidst all the chaos of the initial emergence of COVID, I also had to deal with my home being destroyed? With a shrapnel injury? I've barely been holding together, honestly, but I shudder to imagine where I would be if I didn't live in a safe place, if I didn't have a home at all.

How many of you are younger than 23? Imagine if that was your future- a destroyed home and a shrapnel injury. Imagine if your only hope for a future, to get medical treatment, was to leave everything you loved. That would be a future more terrifying than you can imagine.

Someone named Fadel asked me to share his story. I would like you to donate to his GoFundMe and share this post.


There's this interesting phenomenon where when you're a child, or some other vulnerable minority dependent on a job for shelter, you are actually under duress almost constantly. You can't say "I don't want to work today," you cannot say "I don't want to do the dishes, actually," you cannot choose not to participate. In a lot of cases, the punishment is explicit. Your parents might yell at you. Your boss might fire you. But in other cases, it's implicit. The mood will sour. You lose leeway. People get mad at you. And that creates a really shitty environment where you're constantly being coerced to do things!

And here's the kicker; you're not allowed to acknowledge that. You cannot acknowledge that you are being coerced, you cannot acknowledge that your free will is not being respected, because that's punished too. Your boss insists that you act excited. Your parents punish you for acting surly. You are forced to fake enthusiastic consent, constantly. It's a fucking nightmare. Your hand is being forced, you do not have the option to say "no," and if you ever, for a second, try to acknowledge that, everyone acts like you're the aggressor.


Hate when the power goes off for just a second at work. Commit, goddammit


trying to buy a bookshelf/room divider feels so fucking pointless. it's a quest in futility. there's nothing worth getting, not at any price, and you know why? it's because 60-some odd years ago, god damned George Nakashima made this thing:

Look at this fucking infohazard of a piece of furniture.

Look at how fucking perfectly proportioned each and every void space is to create a subtle sense of motion and elevation, almost a landscape with just a few careful lines.

Look at how the reduction in the support pillars from left to right mirrors that ascension and proportion. How the different woods highlight each other and the near-seamless points at which they meet. How the shadowed interior boards bring out the bright highlights in the grain of the shelves and top piece.

Look at how it fits into a room, how it casts a shadow, and most importantly, how it perfectly frames and hilights every single thing placed on it.

Like. It's not some wild statement to claim that the man who defined an entire genre of woodworking and furniture making, crystalized in his book "the soul of a tree", is like. A human god of the art form. I get that i'm saying nothing revolutionary here. But this thing just. breaks me. nothing compares. i've spent years trying to find a bookshelf that can even hold the faintest candle to it. I've spent long nights up in cad modeling out my own versions based on his design, desperately wanting to take them down to the woodshop and try my hand, but like. one real, good look at this, and it's so clearly the result of decades of craftsmanship. a lifetime of the art. i love it. it ruined this type of furniture for me, and i love it so, so much.

I'll just have to stick to desks, the one thing I know Mr. Nakashima will never ruin for m-




Do you think Chris Houlihan and Kurt Zisa ever explored each other's bodies


Help a black disabled enby in need of shelter and support?

To put shortly, my living situation at my friend's for 3 months has fallen through.

Upon returning to my adoptive father's home, I'm now full on confronting his memory issues. Things have gotten severe, and there's no way I can stay for much longer. We need cleaning supplies of all kinds, food for the end of the month and hygiene products.

He's not taking care of himself. I cannot take care of him. My siblings are going to come to help, but the "we're all struggling" is just as real, if not worse.

I'm scared, I'm angry, I'm grieving someone right in front of me.

If you want to support me during this difficult transition, I'll have no goal for a while, but I'll list all of my info now. This is a long haul kind of observation.

Any amount will help me save for a new place but I know I'll need, well alot if it comes to that.

For now, cleaning supplies and rides to places I can crash around to shower and stuff are the only things on my mind.

I'm DJ Walker, I've got poetry up on my archive, @afroartinc

My six collections are up on my Gumroad site

My cash and pay are both agenderdread

Kofi link

Dm for z_lle or v_nmo

Thank you, guys, for all your support. I fear things will just get harder now.

Hey a couple things that could help right now are a new shaving kit, no more than 30 realistically. Im agender. I lost my electric shaver in the move 3 months ago. Been using every disposable i could get till recently. As well as some amount of helping securing groceries, no more than 15 for either moving around or ordering them. I'm 24 but I'm starting to lose my hair. I don't think not having haircuts often has nothing to do with it but I don't know how to cut my own and it's only 10 dollars at a beauty school near me.

Setting a goal for 60. Hopefully some can empathize with me and help out during this time.


Re: Losing my hair... My brother seems to think that it's the yellow water we shower and clean with here that is uh. Making my hair fall out!!! When he lived here, his girlfriend had a similar experience until she got a shower filter. Yeah, so fucked up. I'm gonna keep another 60 dollar goal up for shower and sink filters. That's gotta be illegal or something idk. I thought I was just getting old and stressed.


Yeah losing my hair makes me feel like I shouldn't even be drinking or cleaning without filters here. Please boost! It explains the dehydration on my skin despite showering so often :(

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