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This entire blog belongs to Tucker

@tumblintuck /

Tucker - 27 - white - enby, any~ pronouns/ Icon drawn by moomin-mommy

How many of you are older than 23? I turned 23 in 2020. It feels like a lifetime ago. What would it have been like if, amidst all the chaos of the initial emergence of COVID, I also had to deal with my home being destroyed? With a shrapnel injury? I've barely been holding together, honestly, but I shudder to imagine where I would be if I didn't live in a safe place, if I didn't have a home at all.

How many of you are younger than 23? Imagine if that was your future- a destroyed home and a shrapnel injury. Imagine if your only hope for a future, to get medical treatment, was to leave everything you loved. That would be a future more terrifying than you can imagine.

Someone named Fadel asked me to share his story. I would like you to donate to his GoFundMe and share this post.


where is the tweet or post that's like "they call it a24 because when you watch it you ask Who made this, A24 year old?"


*Coughing* Now… Foist paht of the yeah… Has gotta be that blueberry pah. *Lips smacking* Come, uh, foist day of sprang, Momma bring out that blueberry pah. *Laughing* Them blueberries, been sittin’ in that jar… Since January. *Lips smacking* Ain’t nothing like that… fihst bite of blueberry pah of the year. … Then summer come, and that apple pah come out. Julahy. Julahy’s a POIFECT momth for some apple pah. *Sucking in air* Yesssss that’s right it was my Momma cut them apples nice and THIN. Each BITE. Thegh taste the caramelization and the sugah and the SWEET CRISP. *Laughing in background* And that beautifulllllll…… Beautiful crust… Them come August! And y’all get that cherry paaaaahh. Them cherries been sittin’ on that VINE all summah. *Laughing in background* Eeehhhhhhhhhggh we just GOBBLED DOWN that cherry pah! Course… then the fall come and you gogt to get that PUMPKIN PAAAAHHHHH! *Iips smacking* Ahhhhh   I can taste that pumpkin pah - now you got it you little fresh PUMPKIN. You can’t… get them jar. Taht canned pumpkin. You gon’ get the ooold uuhhhhhhh….. PUMPKIN… CARVE ‘ER OUT. Yough that MEAT. Jourgrrthat piece of pumpkin pah. I skipped over that key lime pah, now them comin’ in. July. Pecan pah. All kinda of pahs… Course, uh, careful get that raspberry pah and that chocolate mousse pa


medieval monks categorically present what i would describe as the great dilemma facing the modern fujo: inherently charged with tragic repressed homoeroticism, yet universally burdened with the worlds funniest and least sexy haircut

the contrast embodied by the well-trod and beloved figure of the sexy lesbian nun provides an otherwise rare example of yuri shipper's privilege


it's just really fucking frustrating that we live in a world where I grew up being trained to believe that addicts are unloveable. and then I became an addict and I was still told that addicts are unloveable. and I just have to deal with the fact that there are people out there who believe that I don't deserve love, or that my partner is brave for loving me, or that my family and friends are suffering just from me existing. and that's fine that's just the way it is

but then on top of that. I have to deal with tumblr users telling me (an addict!!!) that they hate addicts in a cool new way that I should be totally sympathetic towards. see, they had a family member who was the most evil person on the planet! and that family member was an addict! so they can't help the fact that they now want all addicts to die! they can't help it! blast them all.

"addicts are unloveable" isn't often said in exactly those words, of course. it's fictional addicts being framed as morally corrupt for being addicts. it's famous addicts being treated as circus animals in the media. it's "homeless people are mostly just addicts" and "they should all be in prison" and "don't give them money, they'll spend it on drugs". it's talking about parents of addicts in these hushed tones that indicate that they're all heroes for supporting their child in this difficult time. it's talking about parents who are addicts as if they're the most selfish and irresponsible and uniquely evil people on the planet. it's everywhere and it's all the time and it never ends


okay so I was reading a book and I learned something REALLY fucking cool

get the biggest potato you can get your hands on (a large russet is pretty good for this, and probably the easiest to get from the supermarket at any time of year. that's the kind that's usually sold as ideal for making baked potatoes). scrub it with a soft bristled brush to make sure the skin is free of dirt, but don't peel it yet. take out any eyes or imperfections, but try to keep the skin as intact as possible.

next, fill a bowl with about 1 can of ginger ale, a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon and a half of baking soda. stir until it's all dissolved, and then take something metallic like a coin or a drawing pin and leave it in the bottom of the bowl (make sure it's clean, you might want to soak it overnight in a vinegar solution and then wash with dish soap). bring the solution and the scrubbed potato somewhere with direct natural light, and use a corkscrew or similar to make a long hole as deep into the middle of the potato as you can.

once you've done that, take a paperclip and open it all the way out so it resembles a short wire. bend this wire in half and push the two ends into the other side of the potato, opposite the hole you just made. dig a small hole, just large enough for the potato, and line it with baking foil. tuck the potato into the foil-lined hole with the paperclip side facing down (so the hole you bored in the potato is facing up) and carefully fill the potato hole with your ginger ale solution.

while you were doing all that, I learned something else really cool. haha now I'm two ahead of you, idiot.


and my personal favorite:

i love getting validation as a lefty but also learning about new fun ways it continues to suck


I have to squeeze my fucking wire crimpers with my RIGHT hand because if I don't everything has to be upside-down


I had to learn how to use my left hand after my right-hand side was paralyzed after a motorcycle crash. So I feel your pain, now I’m more or less ambidextrous, but for some things I’m pure lefty.


I was switched to right, and aside from having shitty handwriting, the parts of my brain that interpret rotary motion are all turned around. My knots are left-handed, my zeros are upside down and backward, and it gets real fun when I'm trying to screw something together upside down under a sink.

E. All the above.

Born a Lefty through and through. Basically made myself ambidexterous as a kid in order to use all the things right handed people never think about using. Being a natural by-ear-only piano-player helped that, and I figure that helped me learn to type like the fucking WIND, as well.

My "handwriting" always starts out pretty, and ends up a mess...I pretty much type everything now...even grocery lists, because at this point, my hand-chicken-scratch is mostly unreadable, even by me! Why write it by hand when you can type faster than the computer can take the input? I noticed that when I was playing around with the last little Compact Mac (an ancient "Fat Mac" 512) I had...the poor li'l thing just couldn't keep up with the speed of my typing!


A good thing you can do with an ulcer or other painful sore inside your mouth is to keep pressing your tongue against it to make it hurt more, or even bother it with your teeth for some reason. You can do a similar thing with bad memories!

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