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[Titulum Scribe Hic]

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A science nerd who does art stuff (see tag "my art"). Tara. 22. Brown (Desi). She/Her (TME). Minors please filter “not sfw.” (with the period).

a whole bunch of gazan mutual aid projects and nonprofits. if the decision of which individual fundraiser to give to feels too daunting, or if you just want to help as many people as possible in one go, these are great initiatives to support.

  • care for gaza - focuses on providing food and essential supplies. donate here or here.
  • connecting humanity - securing internet access via donations of virtual sim cards (esims). if you can't afford a whole plan yourself, crips for esims is a communal pool that will use your donation to purchase and maintain esims
  • gaza soup kitchen - provides food, medical care, and classes for children. also has a gofundme
  • glia gaza medical support initiative - provides medical care through field clinics and tents at hospitals. donations can also be sent through their website.
  • ele elna elak - provides clean water, food, clothing, and shelter. they also have a gofundme
  • life for gaza - raising money for the gaza municipality to repair water and waste management infrastructure
  • taawon - partners with local civil organizations to provide food, water, medical care, shelter, and basic supplies
  • the sameer project - running various initiatives providing tents, medical care, and necessities. they have their own encampment project focused on sheltering families with children, sick and disabled members, or members in need of perinatal care
  • islamic relief worldwide's gaza emergency appeal - provides food, water, hygiene kits, medical supplies, and psychological support
  • baitulmaal - provides a variety of necessities, including food, water, shelter, and medical supplies
  • gaza mutual aid fund - distributes food, hygiene products, water, and other essential supplies, including financial support. run by @/el-shab-hussein's amazing friend Mona. updates can be found on her instagram.
  • hygiene kits for gaza - provides hygiene supplies including menstrual products, wipes, and toothbrushes/toothpaste
  • anera - provides a variety of necessities, including food, water, hygiene supplies, medicine, blankets and mattresses, and psychological care
  • palestine children's relief fund - provides supplies and support with a focus on children. also has an initiative for lebanon
  • dahnoun mutual aid - provides water, food, tents, baby supplies, financial support, and other necessities. updates can be found through their instagram

certainly this is not an exhaustive list, so please feel free to add on other projects or organizations that i didn't include. and as always, please take the time to donate if you can and share. it truly makes all the difference.


They should invent an essay where you just do research forever and then you never write anything


imagine every lesbian in the world had fifteen minutes to prepare before them, as well as anything they're carrying, is transported back in time to dinosaur times with the goal of killing all the dinosaurs. Which group do you think would outlive the other: the lesbians or the dinosaurs?


why would the lesbians kill dinosaurs. lesbians love dinosaurs


This was literally my reasoning for being pro trans back in the early 90's. I figured if anyone went through all that trouble to be female, then they were female. It's shockingly naive now, but I wasn't wrong.


people in my replies arguing for their fav white guy???


1. Do you think a post pointing out an issue with fandom racism and misogyny is an appropriate place to bring up your favorite white male character? Why or why not?

2. Did this post call you racist for relating to a white male character? If you thought or think so, consider why you got defensive.

3. Think about the disproportionate amount of art and writing about white male characters in fandom spaces. Do you think this is, across all boards, due to them being written better or more relatably than the POC protagonist?

a. If so, consider why you notice the writing of white male characters more often. Are white male characters written "better" than the POC protagonist, or do you have an internalized fear of relating to non-white characters that you need to work through?

b. If not, consider what ingrained biases might lead to this phenomenon in fandom spaces.

c. If you read a. and thought that white male characters literally just are usually or always written better than the POC and/or female protagonist, accept you are wrong and consider some self reflection.

4. Have you researched how to write and draw characters that are non-white and/or non-male? If not, does this limitation lead you to gravitate towards characters you feel "qualified" to make content about, therefore inflating the issue?

5. If people are telling you to reconsider your point of view in my replies section, did you stop to consider what they said apart from your human instinct to be defensive? Have you considered that arguing against those trying to educate you about fandom racism and misogyny, which can be difficult to see in yourself, in the notes of a post talking about fandom racism and misogyny, might be short-sighted and counterproductive?

6. If you are inclined to defend your favorite white male character, pause. Are all of your other favorite characters also majority white? Are they majority male? Are they either of these and NOT the main character of the show, movie, or game they originate from?

a. If not, this comic is not for you. Please move on and give it a reblog if you're feeling generous.

b. If so, consider this pattern. If you want to break it, ask someone for a reccomendation for characters or media similar to your favorites. Expand your horizons, and engage with your community rather than fighting against them.


tbh i didnt know you were supposed to be jerking off while you look at porn


While it is great to see people actively organizing and boycotting (e.g: Target for the DEI rollback and 'American' products to go against the tariffs in 'Canada'), we should keep supporting the BDS movement! We should also support families in Ghazzah. The settler colony has restricted aid again! Prices for essentials will inflate!

Please consider donating to Iyad Sobhe and Ruba Abushahan. They are long-time neighbours and friends who consider each other as family. It is up to the point where they share the same fundraiser! It is vital, a lifeline, for 15 family members, including young children and elderly! They have also returned to the North, rebuild their homes, and purchase basic necessities! Remember: You can give as little as $1 since PayPal accepts such amount!

@iyadsgaza and @rubashgaza (Verified: #90 for Ruba and #173 for Iyad. Keep in mind that the spreadsheet has not been updated to reflect the current fundraiser. Click here and here to read about it.) (Donation Match)

$21,471 / $60,000 USD

We are currently at $21,526 USD! The last donation was made 2 days ago. Please donate and share. Iyad and Ruba needs to rebuild their home since they returned to the North. They need to purchase essentials, as well! Remember: You can give as little as $1 since PayPal accepts such amount!


god it's like. so. many people on my pistachio post are talking about wanting to boycott pistachios and "i'll make sure to buy all my pistachios imported from now on" and like. idk i don't have much contact w farmworkers' unions bc the ppl i know have all either left the industry or are my republican cousins with whom i am no longer on speaking terms but like. the problem is so much bigger than what individuals choose to buy or not buy. and the problem isn't just pistachios. it's the whole western agricultural system that's been superimposed onto land that cannot sustain it. like you'd have to boycott any commercially farmed produce from california, and then you'd all have nothing to eat. the reason the united farmworkers' boycotts of the 70s were so effective is that they were targeted campaigns led by the union and done alongside strikes and sit ins/marches and hunger strikes.

like it's not just "your fave is problematic: pistachios" it's that the decision of which crops to grow is not neutral. why are crops that deplete nutrients long term and take up so much water the ones that agribusiness grows? why do farms in the california central valley look just like farms in scotland? who chooses which foods are available in your local grocery stores? why is wheat a staple and acorns are not? why haven't you ever tasted venison or camas or prickly pear?

like go ahead and stop eating pistachios if it assuages your conscience. but that's a starting place, not a stopping place. also learn more about your local indigenous foodways projects. like just research the nations in. your area, and see what sorts of nutrition projects they're working with. and get involved however you can


yeah, people have pointed out how ironic it is that for all Musk's stupid invocations of The Matrix, Vivian is the one whose life story has played out like Neo

It's very common for former "designer babies" to have trauma from not just the fact that they were basically a product sold to their parents as superior healthy optimized children, but also because biology doesn't work like that & the science is overhyped so many parents become resentful & abusive when the perfect kid they paid a lot of money for ends up just being a regular imperfect human being.

The first "designer babies" are already fully grown adults & many of them are speaking out about how messed up it is.


Darling, wake up. Darling, are you familiar with what is referred to as the dog motif? I’ve been up all morning researching this topic on a website called tumblr, where young people weave their webs. Their webs, Daniel. Tapestries of words, photographs, and symbols all following similar narrative themes. For example, Mitski sings, “You’re an angel, I’m a dog. Or you’re a dog and I’m your man.” Such profundity. Then the youths will superimpose these lyrics upon pictures of blood and teeth. Blood and teeth, Daniel! They love blood and teeth, you see, and their Roman Roys. And they love the Mitski. I’ve many tabs open within the iPad showcasing my favorites. They remind me of our romance.

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