truthbecomeslegend reblogged
So this is my first follow forever! I’ve only had tumblr for half a year maybe? (5-7 months???) But I’ve gained some supercool friends and although we dont talk much, thanks for following me anyway haha. So here are my /low count/ ♡followers♡ bookster-lover dxnielaltanwing eatsleepreadbooks grand-optimistt justwordsandagirl mrsjemcarstairs21 necroxity percabeth-just queenbeelos the-fandom-runner theprodigy-oftherepublic wateryoudoingpercy whatsjaye
☆my favourite blogs/rp blogs☆ (excuse meh for the messyness) aegisdea booksandtaylorswift fuckyeahlegendtrilogy fuckyeahthelunarchronicles howyadoincousin holyaphrodite hxneylemon wearetheseven perseass truthbecomeslegend thescarletstreak paperclipprodigy