Casual reminder that genetics exists and is sociologically relevant.
(Denialism about this is one of the major points driving me away from today's leftist coalitions. Truth must come before justice, all else ends up in insanity.)
I thought long and hard about this statistic. Is it meaningful without base rates and absolute numbers? Is it meaningful without randomised controlled adoptions?
I mean I don't know either what this might mean specifically, it's simply the kind of a result that's clearly not complete coincidence that you can sweep under a carpet and declare to be nothing-to-see-here, everyone move along now.
If you're already a member of Tumblr Free Speech Fanclub or for that matter anywhere firmly on the right, you probably don't need to be told that merely asking questions about this should be permissible and people trying to suppress all discussion of it should not be treated as allies… but the interesting issue is, even quite a lot of the center-left do in fact think crime per se is a valid issue and I would like it to get thru to them that any radical anti-hereditarian worldview does not really help on understanding it.