#white lilacs – @trippingthemoonlightfantastic on Tumblr

Meet Me In the Moonlight

@trippingthemoonlightfantastic /

Chalking In the Garden [email protected] venmo- Kate-Havekost

Watercolor on Black Paper

2023, 8"x 10"

White Lilacs, Syringa vulgaris var alba


keeping parts of the past open, not like a portal for you, but like a portal into my heart because like it or not all my pasts are a part of me now. the box must open for pandora to be set free.

but first, grief and burn out. then comes the madness and dreams as i learn to stand on my own feet. my parts, bared for the world to judge by a feather. im convinced im too heavy, too much for a feather, for how unfair a trial upon trials could this one be?

but it must only be so. no?

so i let the box lie open there in my living room for all to see. this is me. you are here for me. so i will give everything i have.

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