#glycine – @trippingthemoonlightfantastic on Tumblr

Meet Me In the Moonlight

@trippingthemoonlightfantastic /

Chalking In the Garden [email protected] venmo- Kate-Havekost

Suspended In A Moment Of Pure Delight

Watercolor on Black Paper

2023, 22"x 30"

Pink Wisteria

Available for $900. DM to claim.

Someone please buy this and put it in a beautiful frame on a wall you look at all the time. It's out of my budget but it's so beautiful.

I grew up with a wisteria in the backyard that my mom accidentally on purpose bonsaied instead of letting it climb up our house. The sound of the enormous honeybees, drunk on pollen, and the scent of the flowers that look like heavy bunches of grapes -- that's my late springtime childhood sense memory.


Conspiracy to Commit

Watercolor and Ink On Cotton Paper

2019, 9"x 12"

White Wisteria, Glycine

I retired my murder florals because I was afraid paintings I'd made while in an abusive living situation would be misinterpreted as supporting January 6th. It's been a few years maybe they can come out again.

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